Joyful Sober

Alison Lasek

Conversations with artists, entrepreneurs and down-right fun people who believe ditching booze is anything but boring. Hosted by Alison Lasek. read less
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Claire Bradshaw: Holistic Coach and Yoga Teacher
Claire Bradshaw: Holistic Coach and Yoga Teacher
Putting the Joy in Joyful Sober. Welcome back to 2022 on the Joyful Sober podcast. Last year the focus was on the ‘sober’ in joyful sober and we met a range of inspiring people who have chosen life a little less boozy. This year we’re zeroing in on the ‘joyful’. With that, my first guest for the year is Claire Bradshaw, holistic life and mindset coach, yoga teacher and host of her own podcast Becoming Whole. Claire firmly believes that the world needs more of us to reclaim our authentic power, purpose and passion. This is the starting point for her coaching practice, where she draws on many years as a yoga teacher and combines this with modern coaching methods, to help clients get out of their own way and bring their gifts to the world. After suffering burnout, Claire knows how powerful the mind/body/spirit connection is in bringing us back to centre. She shares her story and loads of insights around what keeps us from the life of our dreams and how to start moving towards it. Claire and I are working together on an exciting project together that we fill you in on in the episode too. A series of online workshops, that support our attendees to co-create with the potent energy of the new moon to bring their visions to life. I’m personally so excited about this and to be sharing my biggest sober passion – astrology – with the world. Read more about our Lunar Circles workshop series here: find Claire here:
Remi Gordon: Intuitive Coach and Space Holder
Remi Gordon: Intuitive Coach and Space Holder
Sober and doing exactly what lights them up. I loved meeting the vivacious Remi Gordon - an intuitive coach, space holder and card reader. They also identify as a vaxxed, sober, queer, fat, feminist witch. This is a high-vibe conversation where we chat about Remi’s sober journey and the incredible work they do, helping clients to realise their wildest dreams. Remi has been sober for two years because drinking just wasn’t serving them anymore. Like for many of us, this took Remi a little while to come to terms with this fact. They tried moderation and periods without drinking but knew deep down it wasn’t working. Interestingly, all the clarity comes from looking back. They didn’t know just HOW GOOD sober life could be.One of the cool things Remi has discovered after becoming sober is tuning into and trusting their intuition. And a silver lining of Covid was the opportunity to sit deal with whatever came up, the reasons why they were drinking in the first place, without the distractions of a full social calendar. All that inner work has certainly paid off; they are glowing – and this chat was recorded at 9.30am! Remi loves working to support people do whatever the hell they want. To tune into what our hearts desire, and move beyond fear and the expectations of others. Their infectious zest for life shines through. This conversation left me feeling pretty jazzed up on sober life too. Remi's
Andy Moore: CEO Hello Sunday Morning
Andy Moore: CEO Hello Sunday Morning
An opportunity written in the stars. In this episode, I have the absolute pleasure of chatting with Andy Moore of Hello Sunday Morning, an Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping people who want to change their relationship with alcohol – including some of our previous guests on Joyful Sober!At the age of 26, Andy was diagnosed with cancer, and this was the starting point for a career in not for profit dedicated to helping people change their health behaviours. At that time, Andy changed a lot in his own life, but alcohol was the one thing he didn't even consider. It wasn’t until he started to struggle with alcohol in his 40s and was diagnosed with depression, which he believes alcohol played a big part in, did he remove it from his life. His CEO role at Hello Sunday morning was a perfect fit. And he is seeing their services even more in demand now. With higher levels of stress and risky drinking happening throughout the pandemic, and huge waiting lists to get into services like psychologists, Hello Sunday Morning are supporting people when they need it most.  Their Daybreak app is an anonymous non-judgemental platform to connect people at all stages of their journey. They also offer health coaching, run by psychologists, and care navigation to help people find the services they need.Hear more about Andy’s story and Hello Sunday Morning's important work in this informative chat.
Kate Just: Artist, Activist and Feminist
Kate Just: Artist, Activist and Feminist
No longer knitting under the influence. Welcome to Joyful Sober. This is a series of conversations with inspiring people who think the topic of eliminating or reducing booze is anything but boring.In episode one, we meet American, Australian artist Kate Just. Kate is known internationally for her contemporary knitting practice and for artworks that poetically confront social issues, from violence against women to systemic inequality of all kinds. What fans and collectors might not know is that Kate quit drinking at the end of 2020. She’d been drinking every day in front of her family and wanted to role model a better way of dealing with difficult emotions. The first thing Kate needed to do was get community around her and connect with fun, joyful people who normalise not drinking. The journey—of course—hasn’t always been easy. While Kate’s wife Paula notices a difference in the way Kate shows up for their relationship, Kate often needs to remind herself of the invisible benefits and treat herself with cake! Not surprisingly, Kate’s artwork has become more technically accurate and it’s no longer necessary to explain tipsy mistakes as an essential part of the process. Kate is highly skilled in asking for what she needs. She gives some great pointers on putting your diva-demands out there with grace and ease. Instragram @joyful_sober  Kate’s links: