Special episode! Cass Raby talks Twitter conferences (don't miss #AnimBehav2023!)

The Women in Ecology and Evolution Podcast

15-01-2023 • 16 mins

We're back for a short special this January - I talk to Dr Cassandra Raby about a paper she led evaluating the first Animal Behaviour Twitter conference back in 2021. What perfect timing to discuss this, as the Animal Behaviour Society/Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour joint Twitter conference is running again this week! (18th-19th Jan) So, consider this a perfect pairing if you are planning to check out that completely free and totally online conference ! Or, if you're listening in *the future* and already followed the conference, consider having a listen to hear more in depth what the metrics say about the value and impact of this sort of conference.

I'll be back to regular programming soon, so stay tuned for more great science in 2023!

As always, your host is Dr Kirsty MacLeod; find me on Twitter/Insta @the_wee_podcast

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