S1 Ep4: The UNGPs and a Just Recovery from Covid-19

This Way Up: Unpacking human rights for business

07-07-2021 • 54 mins

The economic systems that have fuelled growth in the 21st century have done so, largely, at a grave cost to workers in the Global South. The Covid-19 pandemic brought deep-rooted drivers of inequality and exploitation into sharp relief, be it directly in companies failing to afford workers the protections necessary to continue to work without fear of transmission, or indirectly in those who failed to ensure security for at-risk workers in their supply chain. For this episode, we were joined by a live online audience to discuss the vision for the next decade of the guiding principles, and the role they can play in supporting a just recovery from the pandemic.

Your panel for this episode includes:

  • Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
  • Dante Pesce, Founder and Executive Director of the VINCULAR Center for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development at the Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile.
  • Surya Deva, Associate Professor at the School of Law of City University of Hong Kong.
  • Anita Ramasastry, Roland L. Hjorth Professor of Law and the Director of the Graduate Program in Sustainable International Development at the University of Washington School Of Law.