Could Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow be Premier Doug Ford's saviour?

On The Ledge

13-10-2023 • 27 mins

In this edition of On the Ledge:

The Premier's Office is in chaos at Queen's Park now that the RCMP is conducting a criminal investigation into the Greenbelt land swap.

How can Doug Ford lead his caucus and cabinet, never mind the government, with that hanging over his head. There is a good deal of potential political jeopardy for the Progressive Conservatives in the coming months. And while there are already calls and questions about Ford stepping down, the premier does have time on his side.

Remember, Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals were re-elected with a majority AFTER the gas plant scandal - and that involved criminal charges and jail time for Dalton McGuinty's former Chief of Staff. So, there's nothing to say the electorate won't pass similar judgement on the Tories at Queen's Park.

Can Ford change the channel? Can he give voters a reason to be distracted from the Greenbelt?
Could that distraction come in the form of a most unlikely political alliance with Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow? Could a new "Toronto Deal" with the province make a big enough splash to swamp the poltical fallout from the Greenbelt scandal?

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