Episode 41 - Why AI Undermines Democracy

Why such a fuss

25-04-2024 • 14 mins

In this exciting episode, Emma Martin (former Data Protection Commissioner of the Channel Islands and now Chief Commissioner for the DMC) joins me for a lively discussion on the fascinating world of AI! Together, we're diving deep into how this technology could shake the very foundation of our democracy.

Our conversation is sparked by the eye-opening book 'Why AI undermines Democracy and What to do about it' by Mark Coeckelbergh. It's the inspiration behind our passionate exchange of ideas!

Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of AI's impact on democracy. Spotlighting the critical necessity for well-crafted guidelines, steadfast standards, and robust regulations to safeguard the essence of our democratic principles!

#AI #dataprotection #gdpr #democracy #innovation #dmc #compliance