God's Restoration of Our Identity - Reviewing Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

The Influential Woman

09-11-2022 • 52 mins

Despite the criticism - mainly by those who never read the book but have jumped on the negative bandwagon - Redeeming Love is story of how God restores us, little by little. We all want overnight transformation but as I heard someone say one day, a lot of what we call deliverance is people needing knowledge - knowledge of WHO God is.

What Fran and I discuss about identity restoration from the perspective of the book is:

  • How our identity is tainted - often from an early age - by circumstances, what we've believed about what people say about us and how the enemy confirms what we believe by what we later experience
  • What rejection does to wound our souls
  • Why God uses people in our identity restoration process but keeps ultimate ownership - pg 349 "Let her go beloved... would you let her hang on her own cross forever?"
  • Why we should never underestimate the power of sowing seeds
  • When love gets tainted and how God uses real love, His love, to restore our identity
I absolutely loved recording these episodes with Fran and honestly, if you've not yet read the book, you can grab your copy from Amazon.

By the way, I am not a novels person. My daughter had to beg me so many times before I relented. For her as a young person, she was grateful to learn before marriage the importance of intimacy and not just sex.

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