#39: Product Monetization Strategies with Megan Hughes

100 Product Strategies

31-01-2024 • 53 mins

Few elements wield as much influence over a company's fate as the art and science of monetization. And I know from personal experience that this is a hard-to-master topic for product people.

Consider the multiple complex questions that may arise: do we go for a subscription or pay-as-you-go model? How many tiers of subscriptions? What’s the right price? Do we include ads? How frequent? How intrusive?

At the core of all these questions is the value exchange: how much are users willing to pay (in money or attention) in exchange for the value we provide? Solving it correctly can be the difference between success and stagnation.

Megan is a seasoned product leader with vast experience solving these questions in multiple industries and multiple monetization models. We explored real-life challenges, frameworks, and tips that you can apply to your strategies.

You can find Megan Hughes on Linkedin:


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