Ep. #10 How Do You Stop Self-Silencing?

Stop Self-Silencing

05-01-2024 • 10 mins

Throughout this series, we’ve explored various aspects of self-silencing: the fear of being judged by those we care about, the worry of angering or upsetting people, being unsure you could defend your ideas, the feeling of not being good enough, and the worry that our ideas are insignificant.

These are the most common barriers that prevent us from expressing our true selves.

But the big question remains: how do we break through these barriers? How do we find our voice and use it confidently?

In this episode we’ll summarise the methods I’ve shared in previous episodes and introduce a powerful tool – the 'What If' game. This game is a transformative approach to reframe your mindset and begin to overcome self-silencing.

The 'What If' Game is a tool that involves flipping your fears on their head. Instead of asking, 'What if I’m judged?' ask, 'What if my ideas are embraced?' It’s about exploring the positive possibilities that can come from expressing yourself.

In my mini-book 'Stop Self-Silencing' I offer two more powerful tools, and guide you through understanding and overcoming self-silencing.

But if you’re looking for ongoing support, I’ve created The Visibility Lab mini membership. It’s a community where you can access resources, connect with like-minded individuals, and find support as you work on showing up authentically in your life and impact journey.

The Lab includes videos, post prompts, and quarterly visibility challenges to help you start showing up and speaking out on social media and beyond. I hope to see you inside!