Leadership Development, Culture Transformation, and Aligning Purpose with Tom Willis & Brad Zimmerman

The Leaders Lab

18-06-2024 • 43 mins

This week’s episode revolves around leadership development, mission statements, and eliminating resignation in organizations. Our amazing speakers (yes, this week we have two guests) emphasize the importance of aligning purpose and empowerment to create a culture that resonates with employees and stakeholders. They also discuss various effective leadership and management strategies, including understanding individual team members' motivations and personal aspirations, prioritizing meaningful targets, and fostering a commitment to a higher purpose.

In this conversation, we also highlight the challenges of implementing these concepts in larger organizations and the need for intentionality and practical exercises in creating an exceptional culture.


Brad Zimmerman has been helping CEOs create exceptional cultures since 1992. He believes there is unlimited potential in the human spirit and that we all adopt beliefs that can limit our potential. Gaining access to this potential unleashes personal and organizational growth. He turned to organizational coaching more than 30 years ago following a successful career in sales and operations. Since then, he has helped over 10,000 leaders in businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations develop cultures that transform work environments so people grow and the organizations thrive.

Tom Willis is an organizational culture expert. He believes we are all born with unlimited potential. As a former classroom teacher, he also believes in the power of lifelong learning. These beliefs have shaped his primary goal in life: helping others uncover their talents so they can reach their potential. Prior to joining Phoenix, he had the great honor of serving as CEO for Cornerstone; a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers; and an engineer with the Intel Corporation. Along the way, he was fortunate to earn degrees from the University of Michigan and the University of Notre Dame (MBA). He thanks God every day for his amazing wife and three wonderful children.

For all our dear podcast listeners, you can access the Engaged Life Inventory for free here: https://www.phoenixperform.com/theleaderslab


Ken Eslick is an Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster, Tony Robbins Trainer, Life Coach, Husband of 35+ Years, and Grandfather. Ken currently spends his time as the President & Founder of The Leaders Lab where he and his team focus on Senior Leadership Acquisition. They get founders the next level C-Suite Leaders they need to go from being an Inc. Magazine 5000 fastest growing company to $100,000,000 + in revenue.

You can learn more about Ken and his team at


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