Life Without a Tie, Finding Your Path


10-05-2023 • 27 mins

Ray Martin, author of “ Life Without A Tie, Finding Your Path Amidst the Noise, Chaos, and Pressure to Conform “ says - “I won the Daily Telegraph Business Leader of the Year award, so I had public recognition.

So I had all the trimmings and trappings of success. But I have to say that honestly, for quite a few of those years, I wasn't feeling like I was really, truly happy. And I felt like it somehow I'd managed to end up in someone else's life. I was living a life that others expected of me and not life I truly wanted to be living.” “ I was trapped in it because it was very rewarding and very materially comfortable.

And I was kind of like not really wanting to walk out of it either, even though I wasn't happy. So when I was forced to, because my business partner, the woman I was married to, said, "I'm leaving you and I'm leaving the company". It was very sudden my father actually passed away at the same time”