Past Lives in Ancient Lands with Dr. Shelley Kaehr

The Empowered Spirit Show

05-11-2022 • 47 mins

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As this podcast goes to air we are in heading into the Full Taruus Moon Lunar Eclipse.

It's a pretty big happening in the cosmos! It's a total eclipse and visible from many places.

Here in Bham, you will have to get up around 2am and it stays visible until it drops below the horizon at sunrise.

What has been highlighted in your life lately? Where are the struggles, the darkness? Where are the shifts in the light. This is how we work with the eclipse. Lift your vibration to receive the messages coming in right now. They are there. You will have to slow down to receive them so that you can be provided with the breakthroughs, revelations, and transformation you are seeking.

While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way.

Lunar eclipses are also much more emotionally charged compared to solar eclipse, as they are more feminine in nature and affect the emotional body to a greater degree.

A total lunar eclipse affects us even more greatly, as it represents a full conjunction between the Moon, the Sun, and the lunar nodes.

A total lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life.

Lunar eclipses, like Full Moons, are revealing and I truly believe that a lunar eclipse occurs to move you forward. It is an energetic push from the cosmos to take you out of stagnant energies and old patterns

Sometimes this forward motion can feel disruptive to your nervous system, and you may even resist it initially. There is no moving backward on the lunar eclipse, there is only a path forward.

So take a break, slow down, set your alarm, and allow. Use it as an opportunity to detach from energies, emotions, and even people. Trust!

Tune into your daily practice to ground your body and energetic field as you navigate this immense energy.

This is a time to know your energy ... your truth … your voice.. your Spirit is so valuable at this time. And that’s where the RITES come in to help you move through all this stuff!

Rites being Reiki.. intuition.. tarot.. eft and stones and crystals.

Finding ways to tend to the struggles of your life with these tools your every day can add inspiration and amusement and joy.

All these cosmic forces and energy alignments on my Energy Focus for the Week which you can find live on Sunday nights on Instagram and FB. We talk about what’s going on, we align our energy, set intentions for the week and I pull the Tarot cards for guidance. Join me or catch the replay.

As we move through these comic transitions, now is the time to go deep within your Soul with an Akashic Energy-Intensive session. Schedule one.. in person or online. When you work with the energy body, it helps to release the old patterns and all that old stuff you’ve been carrying around.

You will find your answers when you start going within and connecting to your soul and spirit.

If you are a strong, passionate person who is ready to take charge of her life and let go of the stories running around inside of your head let’s talk! Let's talk about my Empowered Spirit Private mentoring program.

*Warning: This work will change your life. It can seriously improve your Body, mind and Spirit.

Side Effects: You may see yourself as you really are. Speaking up.. voicing your ideas... being strong in your boundaries.. excelling in your life.

You may experience loss of excess baggage, resulting in major life changes.

Come experience different energy tools, techniques, and ways to center your energy, come raise your vibration and release the energy drains and the limited beliefs that hold you back.

Are you using your energy in a productive manner?

Or Are you finding yourself drained, tired, procrastinating, depressed, or perhaps even fearful of how to move forward?

Schedule a complimentary Monetize your Energy Call with me and let's look at the 3 things draining your energy and the #1 thing you can do right now. Links are in the show notes.

In today's episode, I am so excited to introduce you to my guest, Dr. Shelley Kaehr. I am in awe of how many books she has written and on subjects that validate my work! OMG I am her newest fan along the lines of Cyndi Dale and y'all know how much I refer to her!

She is also a Llwellyn author many times over. Dr. Shelley is a world-renowned past life regressionist, author, podcaster, teacher, and speaker. We talked about past life regression, the Akashic Records, Soul families, the 3 areas we can discover by doing this work, Soul Purpose, ancient places, the star people, Lemuria, Atlantis... ancestral energy, imprints, healing, shifts and creating new realities.

For over two decades, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD (Dallas, TX) has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. A world-renowned past-life regressionist, Dr. Shelley’s method of combining energy work with hypnosis has been endorsed by numerous leaders in the field of consciousness, including near-death experience pioneer Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Brian Weiss. She received her Doctorate of Philosophy in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001.

Her latest books, Past Lives in Ancient Lands & Other Worlds and Journey through the Akashic Records are the subjects we talk about today.

Visit Shelley online:

Online School:

Facebook Fan Page: Past Life Lady

Instagram: shelleykaehr

YouTube: Past Life Lady

Twitter: ShelleyKaehr

Clues - soul calling - clues to your past lives.... Affirming

Vortex of energy

Past light regression - past life


Akashic - term - vast unified filed that hold information and records - everything past, present, future

Many kinds of information to be found

Past Life regression - more pinpointed - areas of challenges

We can access information about these 3 areas:

1)love and relationship

2) health

3) abundance

Where did imprints originate?  Go back into past life to reveal the source.

Past life regression - case studies

Ancient worlds and other worlds.

Clues - soul calling - clues to your past lives.... Affirming

Akashic - term - a vast unified field that holds information and records - everything past, present, future

Many kinds of information are to be found.

Akashic Readings- I'm bringing in the info to open it up.

Past life regression - they begin telling the story.

Healing brings it forward.

Regression - normally one session - reshapes reality.

Imprints are energetic aspects and must be addressed. We can talk about the struggles and issues all day long but to heal from the traumas we must embody the energetics.

Falling apart?  Look for a spiritual teacher/therapist to help.  Try something different.

Yes, we have a soul family we travel from lifetime to lifetime. It's not by accident we are together.

20% of our personalities - DNA - influenced by ancestors.

Soul Purpose information is accessible through the Akashic Records as well as past life information.A theme of your Soul's work comes through that shows you have always been doing many of the things you do now.

When we access these ways and recognize we are already doing this, we can find credit for the present. But too many are busy for the awareness of their Soul gifts.

What gifts can you more actively engage in and bring into the present?

Raymond Moody

Dr. Brian Weiss

Edgar Cayce - 20th century most documented psychic of the 20th century

Soul work - attract this knowledge - reincarnated

Atlantis is real!

Greedy - destroyed themselves

Periods of the Atlantis people

1) Atlantis final destruction - explosive crystals

2) Middle era - technological society - colors and crystals

3) Lemurian - idealized - utopia = love and light - no strife

Beyond the world - noncorporal spirits existing - No bodies

The client has a consciousness and can bring this information forward.

Guided journeys in the book are super healing and connecting to Source Energy.

Opening the doors to healing.

By understanding who we really are at a Soul level, we are able to bring healing to ourselves and the world.

So much can be revealed to help with healing right now. Past traumas that continue to affect us and keep us stuck, can be worked through by embodying the energetic world.

You know the saying.. you can keep trying to solve the same problem the same way.

As we both said, it wasn't until we embraced the energetics of our Souls did healing occur.

We all have Soul gifts we can actively engage in and bring into the present

As Shelley says, “Through understanding who we really are at a soul level, we are able to bring healing to ourselves and the world. Journey, astral travel. Pick yourself up and journey into different parts of the world. Know we are all one people on this planet. We all want love, security, happiness, and joy. Together we can heal the world."

You must check out Shelley's work. Listen to her YouTube channel - Past Life Lady for more examples.

And if you want to experience an Akashic Reading for your Soul, schedule one now. This is the perfect time to work deep within your Soul.

Thanks again for listening.

To your Spirit,


PS… Our Next Reiki 1 Certification class is coming up on Nov 13 - Reiki for Parents. A reiki class dedicated to helping parents manage their energy and the energy of their family. Register here.

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Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres