If cast off to a desert island, which one meal would you eat beforehand? This question was the idea and essence behind this podcast. Desert Island Dishes examines people's favorite foods and meals. Each week, chef Margie Nomura poses this question (among many others) to a guest. This person is often a noteworthy, high-profile individual. They're not only food experts, either. Everyone from actors to business founders and in between joins the show. Audiences will learn about the guests' favorite dishes, trusty meals, and best food memories. Plus, of course, what they'd eat before a desert island trip.
One of the best features of Desert Island Dishes is that it combines food with conversation. Host Nomura asks her guests about the foods that influenced their life. What meals feel like home? What do they love eating on their birthday? What do they eat most often? What is their ultimate sandwich? Who would they invite to their dream dinner party? Nomura's hosting style is refreshing and informal. She keeps the content playful, fun, and entertaining.
Desert Island Dishes is easy to listen to. It's effective for finding new dishes and hearing about celebrities' favorite foods. It's the type of show listeners might begin because they're fans of a guest and want to hear from them. Then the entertainment and light-hearted conversation may draw them to other episodes.
Guests on the podcast include iconic fashion model Twiggy and singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Shorter episodes of the podcast are known as "Side Dish" episodes. These are only around fifteen minutes long, while the standard episodes are an hour. The Side Dish episodes focus on one aspect of the guest's favorite thing about dining, like their dream dinner guests. The standard episodes cover all the details of that guest's favorite foodie delights.
Desert Island Dishes is a podcast about good food, great tastes, and incredible dishes. Nomura has also created an online community with the same name as the podcast. People can visit the website for recipes, to learn more about the show's guests, or to connect with other fans.