Men In Relationships

Joel Mahe

Helping men to break free from recurring arguments by changing their emotional habits, thus saving their relationship. This podcast will talk about how to improve your relationship and achieve holistic success at the same time. It is my firm belief that as men, we can have it all. Success and an incredible relationship. This podcast will help you accomplish this. As the world evolves, men must change. The old paradigm of what a man is supposed to embody has changed. It’s time to level up, and all the information to do so will be found in this podcast. read less
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M.I.R. Why you won’t lose yourself if you “change” to make your relationship work.
M.I.R. Why you won’t lose yourself if you “change” to make your relationship work.
We typically get triggered by our partners because we experienced situations in the past that affected our psychology and the way we interpret the world. Many times we experienced situations when we were children (or from past relationships) that left a negative imprint in our memory. When our partner says/acts a certain way that sparks that memory of that undesired past experience we are triggered.  To gain control of this we need to improve our awareness/consciousness: It’s imperative that we become aware of our triggers and relate them to our past. (Usually from our childhood). Our partner won’t understand our past the way we understand it. It is our responsibility to be aware of what happened in the past and relate it to how it is currently affecting our relationship. Our triggers are almost always ignited from past trauma. We need to help our partner understand this trauma so you can navigate through the triggers together. This takes work! Triggers do not magically dissipate.    How do you change your emotions/reactions once you have a deeper awareness?  We will have more control (self-control and discipline) to not react in ways we might have reacted as a child (or as we did in a past relationship). This control acts like a muscle. The more you practice self-control and hold back a reaction, the more you will be able to do this unconsciously (without thinking about it). Keep in mind, that it will take a lot of effort to change the course of your natural tendency to be triggered.  Going through this process you will experience a large “change/shift” You will begin to think feel and act in different ways creating new experiences and different results. This ultimately is the change.  You don’t lose yourself when you change, you simply improve unwanted emotional behaviors. You are shedding the unnecessary trauma and emotions that aren’t serving you.  Don’t fear change, rather, seek the change that will improve your relationship and ultimately your life.    Contact me via email if you would like to discuss improving your relationship and emotional habits. Relationships weren’t created to inflict suffering. They are meant to amplify our life.   Email:   OR reach out on socials: Instagram @joelmahe Facebook: Joel Mahe   Enjoy the episode:) Joel
M.I.R. Universal Laws To Get Your Relationship Back On Track
M.I.R. Universal Laws To Get Your Relationship Back On Track
Do you have a burning desire to achieve more in life? I know I certainly do.   Does that same desire distract you from one of the most essential and important aspects of your life -  AKA your relationship? For me, there was a direct impact on my relationship when my desire to ‘create more’ went unchecked. My natural tendencies are to gravitate to my masculine energy which usually results in less time/energy tapping into my emotions and my relationship. The amount of focus I put towards achieving other endeavors/goals in my life was significantly more than my relationship goals/desires. These other areas included: *Fitness *Holistic health *Financial freedom *Starting an online business *Real Estate training/investing *Crypto investments -Even when these other aspects were flowing nicely, I would still feel a void in my overall happiness. (One that we try to fill with accomplishing or attaining more).   -Once I found that sweet spot (which takes consistent effort to sustain)...I’m also always working on finding the sweet spot, where my focus and desires began to incorporate my relationship needs as much as my other desires, it improved my overall happiness (and my relationship). We tend to bypass the importance of continuously prioritizing our relationship (especially after years of being in the same relationship). Life gets busy and for us ‘high achievers’ it’s easy to get carried away with goals/aspirations. I am guilty of this as well but what I know to be true is that balancing my energy between the other endeavors AND deepening the connection within my relationship has accelerated my fundamental and overall happiness. As men or someone with more masculine energy, we tend to forget about this and our focus may gravitate to fulfillment/purpose or to providing for our family (nothing wrong with that, just something to be aware of). Here are three universal laws to help us get back on track with our relationship: Law of desire: You only fully get what you want if you deeply desire it… Previously, I only desired the other areas in my life (because I didn’t have them or have enough of them). I desired it more than I desired the work I’d have to put in (getting in touch with my emotions) to create a successful relationship. Simple as that. If you don’t want something enough your actions will be inconsistent or non-existent. What do you TRULY desire?   Law of attraction: If we focus on something enough, we will eventually attract it into our life. This isn’t thinking about something once and you attract it. This is a consistent, progressive focus, while simultaneously matching the vibration of having already achieved what you desire. Your focus, energy, and emotions will be essential to this equation. Law of action: You must take aligned, inspired, and CONSISTENT action. Every action will create a result. Thinking/hoping will not get you the results you desire. You can set intentions all you want, but without action, there will be no results. These three laws will help you attain what you want in life AND it’s also important to remember to apply these concepts to your relationship(s).   *** If you are ready to upgrade your relationship, and want to change your current habits that are not benefiting you or your relationship then it might be time to look into coaching. Coaching is a process that will facilitate the change and growth you are desiring but are unable to achieve on your own.** Reach out to me anytime to discuss the next steps in improving your life and your relationship: Send me an email at: Or reach out on my social platforms: Facebook: Joel Mahe Instagram: @joelmahe   Enjoy the episode! Joel:)
M.I.R. Why Men Need To Be In Tune With Their Emotions In Order To Avoid Major Issues In A Relationship
M.I.R. Why Men Need To Be In Tune With Their Emotions In Order To Avoid Major Issues In A Relationship
This podcast episode is packed with information on why it's important to be aware and in tune with our emotions. Below are some topics covered in today's informative episode. **Practicing the concepts in this episode can drastically minimize major problems in your relationship.**   1) -Our body is like a storage closet. If we don’t process the events and circumstances of the past, our body will store the emotions we experienced at the time. Unfortunately, the brain works by repetition/association, therefore it doesn’t take a major trauma to produce the effect of the body becoming the mind. Our body stores emotion and our mind will release the associated chemicals with the memory.  Mood: Short-term chemical state (few hours or days), expression of prolonged emotional reaction. The chemicals aren’t used up right away, they linger = A refractory period.Temperament: a tendency toward a habitual expression of emotion through certain behaviors. (weeks-months)Personality trait: Where the refractory period of emotion lasts months-years. Personality (how we think/act/feel) is usually anchored in the past.   2) -The word emotion comes from the Latin phrase “Energy in motion”. Researchers like Mira Kirshenbaum claim that we source more energy from our emotions than we do from the physical parts of our bodies. When you are emotionally drained you will not have energy. Mental peak states aren’t only for external success, but also necessary for relationship success. If you have no energy all of the time with your partner, that will lead to a destructive relationship. Mood- Temperament- Personality trait. Mira’s emotional energy framework: *High energy drain= Grief, shock, Rage, hysteria *Medium energy drain= worry, distrust, sadness, guilt, frustration, anger, fear, dwelling, insecurity *Medium energy boost= Inspiration, trust, recognition, hope, joy, interest, appreciation *High Energy boost= Love, passion, happiness, enthusiasm, amazement   How do you move your emotions to avoid them being stored in your body?  Notice it. Expose it and understand where it is coming fromAllow yourself to feel it and be fully aware of itIdentify the lesson taught by the emotionDevelop and follow a new course of action**This will need space, and for you to be removed from a familiar environment that often creates this type of emotion** I either go to the gym, to move my physical body, WHILE unpacking all of this... Or go to my meditation room/chair. There are many ways to remove yourself from a familiar environment, find the best way that works for you! **   If you are looking to improve your inner-being, in order to equip yourself for the life and relationship you desire and you could use some help/guidance along the way then I would love to work with you. Going through any transformation can be extremely difficult. Don't go through this process alone. Instead, use a proven process to help you achieve the results you desire. Stop going through pain and wasting time. Reach out to me anytime, send me an email to connect: Or reach out on my socials: Facebook: Joel Mahe Instagram: @joelmahe   Enjoy the episode!  Joel
M.I.R. Do You Have Fear Around Marriage? Then Listen To This.
M.I.R. Do You Have Fear Around Marriage? Then Listen To This.
Are you questioning a relationship or marriage?    *I find one of the most common reasons for cold feet, or fear of the commitment that comes with marriage is because it challenges our unconscious values. *One of the most significant values for men is Freedom. We might view marriage as a challenge to our freedom. We naturally will frame it as Commitment VS. Freedom.   As men, we naturally associate commitment with the meaning of sacrifice. Sacrificing the freedom of time, values, beliefs, to move around, etc.. whatever freedom means to you.   Commitment doesn’t need to be a negative thing! You can commit to working through differences in values, beliefs, and time. You can re-frame what commitment means to you. Rather than viewing it as a SACRIFICE, it can mean being committed to figuring it out. Meaning you get what you want, and your partner gets what they want. *Is your core essence masculine or feminine? Masculine= Freedom/ a mission/purpose Feminine= Connection /love / relationships Understanding this can help you work together with your partner in order to ensure both core desires are met.  *An important note to digest: You will need to figure out who you are BEFORE getting into a relationship for the rest of your life. Although this can be very frightening it is necessary.  Don’t operate from a place of masking your true essence. It's important to express your true masculine/feminine qualities. Authenticity will save your relationship and it is NECESSARY before getting married.   *You can’t authentically commit without knowing who and what you are committing to.  A ring won’t change this, a house won’t change this, a dog won’t change this, and kids certainly won’t change this. They will only exacerbate unresolved issues. These items can act as a very fun band-aid solution, but eventually, the truth will surface.    *One thing you SHOULD know how to do is to understand the process of resolving conflict and understand the process to initiate change.  This can be a challenging process if you are not experienced in it. Many times it’s necessary to seek help and advice to navigate these territories. Eventually, your life circumstances will change, and you should know how to navigate these changes together.  *I will share my personal story on what changed for Jess and I to be prepared for marriage… We had a lot to resolve and unpack before we were prepared to commit to marriage.   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Enjoy the episode!   Joel
M.I.R. Avoid These Roadblocks In Order To Reconnect After Conflict
M.I.R. Avoid These Roadblocks In Order To Reconnect After Conflict
Today I talk about the blockages that commonly get in the way of reconnection after a conflict, disagreement, or misunderstanding. *I’m talking about this subject because recently, I’ve failed to do a good job at reconnecting. I’ll be honest, I’ve been insanely busy lately, and I’ve put other aspects as a higher priority than reconnecting with Jess… And I’ve seen the impact. *The importance of reconnecting: If it doesn't happen occasionally there won't be a drastic impact. However, if you consistently fail to reconnect it will have a compounded effect and you will start to feel more and more disconnected from your partner each day. For me, I feel: Distant/removed from my partner,  I get more frustrated with her (as I’m sure they are frustrated with me) Have a lack of emotional and physical intimacy  Lack of joy, or fun Feelings of guilt Feel cold and closed off Self-righteous  All of my old patterns start to creep in… Not to mention how my partner is feeling on the other end of it.   That’s why it’s so important to reconnect, otherwise, it can spiral quickly. *I’d like to highlight some roadblocks (meaning things we often do to try to reconnect that don’t work well) After or during conflict when trying to reconnect try to avoid the following (I got most of these concepts from a relationship expert named Jason Gaddis). These are the ones that ring true for me: 1)-Avoid blaming. ( A trick to know when you are blaming is when you use the words (you always). Get specific and work through the current conflict first.  2)-Don’t rush an apology simply to move on. 3)- Rely on time. (Don’t rely on time, although time can allow someone to forget about something, that doesn’t mean it will be resolved). Try to reconnect within 24 hrs of conflict. 4)-Compartmentalize: Don’t put it off to the side and pretend everything is okay. You shouldn’t just suck it up forever. 5)-Avoid trying to fix or give advice… LISTEN. Seek to understand before being understood. 6)-Hope/pray things will get better 7)-Defensiveness- rigid, stonewalling, providing excuses 8)-Gaslighting- lying, denying reality, turning conflict onto the other person. Creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality. (If you do this enough, you might believe a false narrative because your emotions can override the truth. It’s so important to reflect and seek the truth. Rather than satisfy your selfish desires. I’m positive we can all do a better job at reconnecting. This might need to be a skill that is practiced over and over again. We aren’t taught this stuff in school, but it is your responsibility to master it if you are wanting to shorten your conflicts and move towards the relationship you desire.  Put your ego down, and seek the truth after conflict, and you will begin to drastically improve your relationship.   Enjoy the episode!   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Joel
M.I.R. The Seasons Of A Relationship- How To Prepare For Change In Your Relationship
M.I.R. The Seasons Of A Relationship- How To Prepare For Change In Your Relationship
We can grow together or grow apart. If we aren’t prepared for each different season in our life we are setting ourselves up for disruption and potential failure. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” John Wooden  A successful relationship deserves a lot of intention to function properly. I think it’s important to foresee what kind of season of life is coming. Obviously, there will be surprises and aspects we can’t prepare for. On the other side, we can usually predict if our life has a busy period, a relaxing period, or will be stressful in the coming days. Just like the weather changes when the seasons change, our relationship and personal dynamics will go through a change during each new season. In this episode, I will also share the 4 seasons a relationship goes through at the begging of each partnership. The awareness of these seasons can help you set intentions for how you can show up, enabling you to take aligned actions to those intentions.  Without the awareness, a new season can cripple your relationship. Or, if you prepare, it can be a beautiful place to grow, learn, and connect on a deeper level through adversity and change.   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Enjoy the episode! Joel
M.I.R. Creating A Shared Life Vision To Avoid Codependency
M.I.R. Creating A Shared Life Vision To Avoid Codependency
I was a bachelor for many years, only living for myself. I think (external success is a much easier game when you are going at it solo)… You can put your head down and eliminate all "distractions". What we forget to think about is that sometimes what we consider a distraction is actually the most important piece of our life. That was my story at the start of my relationship, and I will share how I changed that narrative.  In this podcast, we will talk about why it is necessary to get clear and declare what you truly need as an individual. So many men and couples will not articulate what they need to their partner because they don’t want to create friction or conflict. This can lead to codependency, and the next thing you know 5 years into your relationship you have become resentful and don’t feel yourself. Often, that will lead to overcompensating actions and/or defence mechanisms that lead to poor behaviour.  This episode is filled with strategies and concepts that will enable you to create a life vision that inspires you and that embodies you and your partner's individual needs and desires. There doesn't need to be a sacrifice. You and your partner can have it all!   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Enjoy!   Joel
M.I.R. The Necessary Identity Shift To Save Your Relationship
M.I.R. The Necessary Identity Shift To Save Your Relationship
Identity-  Is not a fixed concept. It is a set of qualities and beliefs that make one person or group different from others…. We can change our qualities/ characteristics/interests and beliefs. We base our identity on what we’ve done in the past when we really should be basing it on who we want to become. In today's show, I will talk about the ability to change your identity. One of the best ways of doing this is getting extremely clear on the type of person we want to become. There is a great exercise for this that I will share. Supplementary to this exercise we will explore: -A discussion on the pain vs pleasure scale to determine why it is necessary to live as a new version of ourselves?  -Different reminders/triggers to keep you in line with this new version. -Catching yourself being the old version. (Reflection, redirection, compassion). -Why we do the thing we do. Most times this is unconscious.    How can you begin to shift your identity today? Who do you want to become, what is the next version of yourself in your relationship? Becoming that version NOW, living from that place will begin to improve your relationship. This isn’t only for our partner, this is for you! Your happiness, health, and lifestyle depend on it.  This episode will help you to begin your identity shift today. Sometimes, we need a slight course correction in our identity to create a successful relationship. Enjoy the listen and take the aligned action to change your relationship and your life.   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Joel
M.I.R. Why Changing Your Beliefs Will Change Your Relationship.
M.I.R. Why Changing Your Beliefs Will Change Your Relationship.
When I reverse engineered the process that I went through to transform myself and my relationship the first step was believing I could.  I know, I know... This sounds like a bunch of B.S. and fluff. It might, but ultimately who cares if it works! Unfortunately changing a belief isn't necessarily easy. Fortunately, there is a process for it and is fundamentally possible for any person.  If you are struggling right now in your relationship and you are frustrated that you keep running up against the same problems, then changing certain beliefs about yourself and your relationship is probably the first step to receiving new results. This is the first step in my program "Emotional Evolution Process" because I am convinced that this is the initiating step to becoming a better man to cultivate a better relationship. In this episode, I will break down the process of how to replace unwanted beliefs.  P.S. I always want to add a disclaimer that information is great... However, it is the implementation and integration that is the hard part, and probably the most important.  I'm here for you if you ever need any assistance.   Check out my program The Emotional Evolution Process for men in relationships:👇🏼   I'd love to connect:👇🏼 If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:
M.I.R.-The Way Out Of A Stagnant Relationship. Why A Healthy Relationship Is Important.
M.I.R.-The Way Out Of A Stagnant Relationship. Why A Healthy Relationship Is Important.
Are you losing connection and desire in your relationship? Would you define your relationship as healthy or stagnant?  We are supposed to be in an incredible relationship, it's what all the movies and society tell us, right? But do you ever take the time to understand WHY it is important for YOU to be in a relationship? Do you comprehend or even reflect on these reasons? I believe it is crucial to reflect and understand all of the reasons we want to have a healthy relationship. Not a relationship where you just get by, where you settle, where there is no connection, where there is no conflict simply to avoid the pain... rather an incredible expansive growing relationship. Relationships are a continual evolution, they are not a maintenance-free dynamic. We must continually work on our relationships to create and maintain a soul mates. It is our responsibility to cultivate a healthy relationship, and without understanding why we need to do this we will most likely not put in the effort since it's more work.  In this episode I will share my perspective on this topic, providing some principles and foundations for a healthy relationship. Men, if you are starting to lose connection with your partner then this episode is a must listen to gain awareness of what might need to happen to turn things around.   I'd love to connect. Reach out to me if you are looking to make changes in your relationship!   If you have any questions, want to connect, or want to work with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email to, Facebook: Instagram:   Enjoy the episode!  Joel:)