How to Raise Fees for Your Individual Coaching Programs

The Profitable Coaching Conversations Show

02-10-2020 • 10 mins

Sales Coaching for Coaches l How to Raise Fees for Your Individual Coaching Services and Programs

Raise your coaching fees, raise your individual coaching fees, ideal clients, charge what you deserve for your coaching, individual coaching programs, grow your coaching business, paid for your coaching services, individual coaching fees, fees for individual coaching, sales coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurship, mindset is everything, Wendy Y Bailey, profitable coaching conversations, how to grow your life coaching business, how to grow your online coaching business

As a coach or consultant, increasing your fees for your individual coaching services and program scan be really scary! That can be especially true if you don’t understand what you’re actually delivering to your client. In this bonus episode, you’ll discover why you're a “transformation” expert and what that means for how you support and serve your client. You’ll also understand the importance of knowing why your most ideal client is hiring you AND how this guides you in charging what you truly deserve when you’re coaching, consulting, and serving your most ideal clients. It’s a clarifying journey that will guide you in setting fees that will grow your coaching business going from now on.

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