As You Go

Ruth McDonald

As Christian women, our desire is to find our role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Jesus said, "Go ye... and make disciples" and we understand that to mean "As you are going... make disciples." We are always going, aren't we? And as we go, we are representing Christ, speaking His words into the lives around us and bearing His image for the world to see. Our desire is to grow in our relationship with Jesus so that we can be a clear signpost to influence others to follow Him too.

On "As You Go" we will talk with other Christians about how to walk closely with Christ. We will interview Christ followers who are effectively making disciples. And we will dig into the Bible for its timeless truths about how to really know God and make Him known.

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Watch One, Do One, Teach One: Reproducible Discipleship
Watch One, Do One, Teach One: Reproducible Discipleship
In this episode, Ruth McDonald interviews missionary to Bulgaria, Amy Postlewaite, about the simplicity of discipleship as a natural lifestyle. Amy and her husband Jonathan live with their 3 children in Pleven, Bulgaria, where they are involved in church planting, evangelism and discipleship. Their lives are filled with discipling Bulgarian children and adults as well as international students from many nations.  Amy focuses in on the importance of making discipleship reproducible, and you will hear many examples of how that is possible in a natural and lifestyle-based approach to helping others in their walk with Christ.  You will be encouraged by the story of how Amy's 11-year-old daughter is already busy discipling her friends in a regular home small group. Anyone who loves Jesus can disciple others!  You may learn more about the Postlewaites' ministry at: One resource that Amy and her family recommend in this podcast is Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden:   Support us on!