PGP: Construction with James Garner FRICS, Natasha Orange MRICS, Jeevani Subasinghe MRICS & Steven Thompson FRICS #160

The RICS Podcast

04-11-2024 • 35 mins

Welcome to this special episode of The RICS Podcast, in a series covering the work of our Professional Group Panels (PGPs).

This episode features a discussion around the Construction PGP, which covers all-important areas like sustainability, digitisation and the growth of technology in the sector, and the the necessity of strong transport infrastructure.

Joining Steven Thompson FRICS to share their expertise are James Garner FRICS (Gleeds), Natasha Orange MRICS (HS2) and Jeevani Subasinghe MRICS (Transport for London) who all feature on the Construction PGP.

This episode of The RICS Podcast covers:

  • The RICS Construction PGP and its focus areas
  • Emerging topics such as advancing technology and a spotlight on sustainability
  • Transport developments and the challenges to these coming to fruition
  • How RICS members can feed back and feed in to activities such as consultations, standards updates and general responses

Find out more on the RICS Construction PGP page.

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