The Budget and the Battle within the SNP

The Peston Podcast

04-03-2021 • 38 mins

This week on the #Peston Podcast we’re discussing two big topics:

❶ Is Rishi Sunak’s current splurge in spending, and proposed tax increases a few years later, the right recipe to fix Britain’s economy after covid?
❷ What impact will the battle between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon have on the SNP’s hopes of making Scotland independent and the upcoming elections?

Join ITV's Political Editor Robert Peston as he sits down with Chief Secretary to the Treasury Stephen Barclay MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy MP, Political Scientist at the University of Strathclyde Sir John Curtice, Former Shadow Chancellor Labour’s John McDonnell MP and the Conservative’s Former Education Secretary Baroness Morgan.

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