EP 14: Host Swap Special - The Journey of Diagnostic Expert James Dillon with Jennifer Webb

Harmonic Motion

17-11-2023 • 1 hr 51 mins

Welcome back to the Harmonic Motion podcast!

In this episode, we flipped the script. Your usual host James Dillon is taking his turn in the hot seat as he is interviewed by HR specialist, previous podcast guest and this episode’s host Jennifer Webb.

James delves into what he was like at school, uncovers the roots of his passion for mechanics and computers and explores how he was first introduced to the world of technical training and development.

Drawing from personal experiences, James shares insights into the crucial role of understanding how people learn in providing a positive and effective learning experience.

Running a business also comes with many challenges and not all of them remain in the workplace. Jennifer and James discuss rebuilding relationships outside of business, the importance of self-care in personal development and how you need to know your “why” to love what you do.

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