Grammar Mistakes Can Ruin Your Content Marketing: Here's how to avoid it with Abimbola Osodi

Sam Talks Marketing

19-05-2021 • 24 mins

Grammar Mistakes Can Ruin Your Content Marketing
The impact on individual readers isn’t the only way that bad grammar impacts B2B marketing. It can also affect how discoverable your content is – and how likely it is to be shared.

Style and spelling are potentially useful indicators of content quality—that could come to mean Google algorithms penalizing poor grammar.

Do I capitalize that word or not?
Does grammar still matter in content marketing?
Is there really room to worry about the accuracy of the English language?

If our content is impactful, does anyone really care whether it’s grammatically correct?

Those years of dozing off in the back of your high school English class are probably affecting your marketing efforts.

Sorry to burst your bubble, it turns out that grammar is really important.

It only takes a person .05 seconds to form an opinion about your social media pages, blogs, captions and website; so why let bad grammar influence that split-second decision?

Join me on this Instagram Live session with Abimbola Osodi @eloquenceforelites , the Speech Rebrander,as she shares vital information and help on:
- grammar mistakes (or potential mistakes) that B2B marketers regularly make
- comma calamities and *concentration* frustrations
- misplaced apostrophes
- apostrophe misuses
- excessive use of commas or semicolons
- how to avoid capitalization mistakes
Also we’ll delve a bit into common spelling mistakes (to vs. too their vs. there, There, their and they're; me, myself and I; brand or entity as ‘they’; who, whom, whose and who’s, etc.)

And more on improving your English writing in communicating effectively with your audience when it comes to content marketing
Abimbola Osodi, The Speech Rebrander, herself has been host on several shows on radio, she runs the Eloquence Elites Community with over 500 students, business owners, public speakers and writers trained and equipped .

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