How to create strong health brand that attracts the Millennial Consumer. #20

Sam Talks Marketing

26-04-2021 • 13 mins

Healthcare consumerism has changed the way we do marketing for hospitals same with connecting millennials

Few Stats:

  • By any slice, age or label, at 80 million, Millennials are a big group, and the largest cohort size in history [US Census Bureau].
  • Millennials have never known a world without the Internet. They own, and nearly constantly use, computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones and smartphones. And they use them routinely to be online, text, and/or gravitate around social media sites and platforms.
  • Millennials represent a substantial buying power of about $170 billion.

This is rethinking your healthcare branding to resonate with the millennials mindset

They Expect Healthcare to Be Simpler; Millennials Are More Diverse than Older Generations (That means diversity is key when you develop a marketing strategy and engage with your patients); They will want to know what they’re getting into before they make any purchases; They pay close attention to the star ratings that product receives before considering buying and they are cost-conscious and expect strong value

Marketing healthcare to millennials means changing the status quo

Here in my podcast, I explained  Ways to Leverage Healthcare Consumerism to Reach Your Target Patients

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