Talking About... Talking About Cricket

The Nightwatchman Podcast

18-05-2022 • 1 hr 10 mins

Guests: Daniel Norcross and Isabelle Westbury

Long before the game was written about it’s safe to say it was talked about. There’s something about cricket’s ruminative spaces that allows room for language, and the language through which we understand the game grew as it was spoken about on radio and written about in newspapers and books. It’s very hard to divide the two, and they have become even more entwined in the age of social media. The voice was once homogenised, a BBC sort of language that nonetheless offered a framework we could all understand.

Now the range of voices are dizzying, from the terrifying banter of the ex-pros lined up in the channel seven Big Bash booth to the rise of the home podcaster. All you need to get your opinion on the air is a microphone and an internet connection – and that is a great, democratising force.

Jon and guests explore how we talk about the game and what that actually means, and what implications it has for how we understand and interpret cricket.

The Nightwatchman Podcast

Written and hosted by Jon Hotten

Produced and edited by James Wallace

Sponsored by Rathbones

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