On Our Way To Court One Way Or Another!

Flipside History Podcast

02-09-2020 • 1 hr 24 mins

WooHoo!!! Welcome to Episode 4 of Flipside, where some sort of miracle seems to have occurred as you guys are actually partaking of this tiny wee podcasting adventure. In this episode we are on our way to sneakily invade the 18th Century English court... or are we?
Catch the last bonus episode if you want to know why on earth we would want to invade the 18th C English court. The format includes a Tangent Time and Trench Talk so try not to get lost! Thanks for giving this a go, if you like the episode please spare a second to rate and subscribe... On that note, this podcast is in its infancy, there are bound to be teething troubles, if you promise not to discount 'Flipside', your host promises to keep on bettering the show.
Stay safe and best wishes guys,
The Anonymous Archaeologist

Music Credit: 'Fantasia Fantasia' - K. MacLeod (incompetech.com). License - Creative Commons.
Sound Effect Credits: All from freesound.org. License - Creative Commons. Fire (luffy), Digging (YemiMoses), Excavator (straget), Moor (swhic), Wind (florianreichelt), Street Sounds (Timbre), Flintlock (breezeark).
Icon: Created On Canva