Outsmarting Google’s Dirty Tricks With PPC Expert David Miles

Marketing Freed

02-05-2024 • 29 mins

Advertising on search engines can be a quick and effective way to get your business in front of the right people when they’re actively looking for a product or service you provide.

But with Google making it so easy for anyone to get started, unless you’re careful, you can quickly find you’ve hosed away all of your marketing budget on buying irrelevant clicks.

In this episode, I’m joined by David Miles from The PPC Machine, who shares some of the many tactics he has employed to help thousands of small businesses grow online, and some of the pitfalls that Google make all too easy for the unsuspecting marketer to fall into.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why the Google Partner Program can be detrimental to a consultant’s clients
  • Settings and suggestions to avoid in your Google Ads campaigns
  • How to get your ads to stand out from the crowd and increase your click through rate