Episode 2 - Busting Marketing Myths Part 2

Marketing & Cocktails

08-09-2020 • 36 mins

Episode #002 - Busting Marketing Myths: Part 2

Show Description

In this episode, we're busting these marketing myths: "content is…?" and "You don’t need a marketing plan". Myths can be so damaging to entrepreneurs and business owners who decide to make decisions based on them. We've heard both of these myths so many times in online business, and it's about time that someone set the record straight!

Show Notes

[00:00:00] Terrica: Welcome to the marketing cocktails podcast. We're your hosts. Terrick astrologer, that's me a brand designer and sugar attic and Vanessa shepherd and launch strategist and content creator. With the love of all things business each week, you're here, our behind the scenes conversations and expert advice on marketing and launching your next offer while doing it all ethically and organically.

And given that bro marketer advice, the book. Thanks for spending some time with us today. Grab a drink and let's jump into today's episode.

Welcome to episode two of the marketing cocktails podcast. Today's episode is going to be a continuation of the first and we're just rounding up the final three marketing myths. The ones we'll do tackle today. Our content is blank. We all have a definition that can probably fit in there. Everyone is your customer, and lastly, you don't need marketing plan.

So let's dive in. .

So , you use the word content a lot. And that seems  to be as [00:01:00] confusing, a word for people as marketing is, and that people are like,  content is just the written stuff, right? So my content is just blog posts, but I hate blogging. So I guess I have no content. And then I heard people, no, your content is,  what people.

Read about you, what they see. Oh, you mean my Instagram and my Facebook. So that's my content. So my content strategy needs to be centered around the first place. I want people to find information about me and there's this business owner back end.  that's YouTube for me. And someone else's like, Oh, I don't do videos.

So I guess it's Instagram for me. And so we know that content is more. Then social media. Cause there's some people killing it right now and they have no social media presence at all. And that blows people's mind. And they're thinking I'm wasting all my time on Instagram [00:02:00] and someone's making six figures in your in box and I'm like, yeah.

But if that's where your people are and where your people connect, put your time and energy there. So what else. Would you say about content? Cause I know that it's literally  you're  baby,

you know, digital baby, I guess

Vanessa: I love content you can tell because, , I just spent the last 10 years deep diving into basically content in front of  break it down to a nutshell. Content is cool. Content is I really want to simplify it. It's every single message that you put out into the universe.

So it's every time you open your mouth to tell somebody about you, your business and your brand that's content, you're creating content just by talking. We're creating content right now and all we're doing is yapping at each other. It's all the stuff you write down. So  your invoices, the way the stuff you put on them, [00:03:00] that is also a piece of content.

The, blog posts you put out there. The stuff on your website, the stuff in your emails, the stuff on your videos, on your podcasts. Every time you send people have a box or a message or a Slack message, all of that is technically content. And people over complicated. They're like, well, content is only, blog posts or videos or whatever.

Nah Nah  it's, everything, every single thing. There's so many different forms of what's called media or medium. and that's the format that your content comes in. So if you are writing it down, Then that's written or text based content if you're doing a video and that's obviously video content, same word.

if you're doing a podcast or an audio snippet, anything is, that you can, you, hear it only. That's audio content, you can get, visual. So that's if like when Tara designs pretty awesome graphics that go up on, [00:04:00] Instagram, like all those pretty designed things. It's visual. Anything that's really graphical visual content.

you can mix and match others media together. If you write, say you're doing a Rob blog, I like blogging. I'm old school. yeah, blog posts. I'm going to write that content down. I might record an audio for the people out there who hate to read and there's lots of, yeah. Are there, I might do a video for all the people who.

Hate to read. They don't really want to listen. They want to see somebody's face as they're conveying the information. And I might do some infographic infographics, or maybe I'll do up some pretty pictures or maybe I'll do app like pins or little other visual elements. I'm gonna put them all into one post.

I just created four different types of content. Put it into one delivery vehicle and put it out in the universe.

Terrica: And we see this so much. At least I feel like my ads are flooded with [00:05:00] content planners, content strategy, content, content, content. It feels like one of those,  neon signs just flashing at you like seven, 11 time. and I wonder, cause I struggle with content. I can create all day. You say Terrica   design this for me.

Sure. My nose is into my laptop and I'm focused, but then you say, stop doing that. And write something for an audience. Oh, I have to get out my artist's brain and say stuff to people. Okay. I have no idea what to talk about. And so, you know, I just sit there and then there's  crazy gaps. And anybody, if you, if you find me on Instagram, there's going to be gaps.

I'm just telling you, I'm human. I'm getting better though. So what is your. Advice to people when it comes to developing a content [00:06:00] strategy, not just as a whole, because I feel  everybody's telling you that, but one that feels good or is in tune with what they like to do. Can someone say if I don't want to be on Instagram?

It's fine.  my business won't implode on itself. If someone finds me and they're like, she doesn't have an Instagram, she's not reputable. Or if I just want to do video. Can I just live on YouTube and never write anything else again in my entire life?

Vanessa: Technically all those situations are, could be true.

And we could probably, if we think long and hard to come up with the right names, I'm really bad with names, by the way, I just didn't stick in my head. It's awesome. but we could probably come up with lists of people who they were, they went through a really simple process. They were like, okay. So I want to get into online business and I need, I know I need to put something out in the world to tell people what I do.

What do I like doing actually, do I really love doing, [00:07:00] because if you're going to create content for the internet, you gotta love doing it because you might do it for a while before somebody ever stumbles upon it and goes, man, you are the next hot thing. And you become this overnight sensation, which doesn't actually happen.

Almost everybody. Who's an overnight sensation has been doing something for awhile. Anyway, I digress.  a good example. We had a conversation when we were  hashing out. Do you even want to be on Instagram are your people even on Instagram or , do I have to be there? Cause everybody out there is telling me I have to be on Instagram.

Cool. That's awesome. I know you don't have to be on any one platform. You have to be where your people are. You have to decide that. So by looking at things, we figured out your Pinterest, it was like blowing up continually, even when you do nothing and you're inconsistent, your Pinterest still blows

Terrica: up.


Vanessa: And so we know there's a good segment of your people on Pinterest. And the great thing about Pinterest is it's very visual. Which meets your designer, inner artist [00:08:00] and it  can pull it out and we can automate that. So you don't have to spend hours at the scheduler and you can continually just keep designing and popping it up on your blogs.

That auto feeds to Pinterest, and you never really have to touch any of it. and that works and that will work for people. You get clients through there, you get people at least inquiring. Finding it, maybe they send your pin to a friends and kind of refer you that way. we know that you don't like writing things down and that's totally okay too, but you have no problem picking up your phone and recording a video and putting it up on a live.

So then you're kind of fine becomes I love designing things. I am totally comfortable doing impromptu videos when I feel like it. The mood strikes her that again, that's the artist flow. It's pretty awesome. And that's what I'm going to do because I know my people watch my videos and I know my people, I love my designs.

So those are the two things that I'm going to tackle this year. And that's totally fine [00:09:00] because that works for you and it meets your people where they're at and how they want to interact with you. Me on the other hand, my people and what I love to do, I can write all day long. I could probably speak things out, but there's going to be a lot of ums and AHS because I overthink everything and I go down and cute little rabbit holes, not very efficient.

If you just want to learn one thing, I have to really focus. It's fine. So I write, I have had many, many, many blogs over the years. People always find me. They always find the stuff and it drives traffic for freaking ever. It's awesome. you won't catch me jumping into video cause I, I don't know. I still have to learn how to do that stuff.

When all the rest of the people of the world that were  super into video hopped on, I was out writing things down and doing degrees and doing research. So. I write my people find me. It's fine. I also like to design kind of findings or I might take photos and I'll put those up again. That's a visual form and people like it, the audience [00:10:00] responds well to it.

So we keep doing it. To grow and to kind of meet more people over time. For both of us, we're going to have to take on another form of another medium. maybe we'll take on, maybe you'll start getting your videos transcribed and that'll be your written form. And maybe all start, I don't know, recording audio of my blog posts, but to be able to grow and reach more people and bring them people in, in different ways.

Eventually they'll have to get to the point where you've created this like initial. layer of content. You add another medium on top of it. You're not exactly creating brand new content, but you're kind of beefing what you have created up. And I think a lot of people miss talking about that, everybody's like, you have to create new stuff all the time.

There's, there's like a drop of truth to that because technically if I take my blog posts and. read it or

verbalize it.

I'm creating new content, but it's not reinventing the wheel. It's [00:11:00] reusing what I have. It's multiplying that first piece of content to make it even better. And do you use it in a different way so that it connects with even more people?


Terrica: it does to me and guys to anybody's listening. I really thought that you had to create something new. and I say that because I come from, obviously the designer world, and while some people have templates and things like that, your clients are always wanting you to come out with something new.

the dreaded words. something that pops something that stands out. So then your brain automatically goes when someone says, create content, that's new, like something new every single time. And my brain is slowly, it looks like the iPhone emoji where the little fragments are just like flying out into the universe.

So my brain looks like, and then I met Vanessa and she's like, You know that you don't have to always create [00:12:00] something new. And I was , alright, I'm a skeptic. Explain it to me. And she breaks it down and I won't break it down into everything that she does. Cause guys that's a little bit of genius, but regardless is that just the example that she gave you don't have to create something new.

I created an email. For in,  for a sales, sequence that I then repurpose to a blog post that I'm then repurposed again, into an Instagram. Post or maybe two, not quite sure. And I still kind of go back and Oh, I can add to that. Let me take a little piece of that and do that. And my brain never went there before and now I'm like, wow, this is like freaking amazing.

Maybe this is how all these people, we like. Fan girl or fan boy over, this is what they're doing on the back end.  nobody's, I mean, so we know that people have teams, so yeah, there's [00:13:00] that, but minus that maybe there is this person who's killing it at, you know, who's  a solopreneur and it, every time you turn, you're like they have some new content, how they're doing it in your life.

This is how they're doing it. So guys, that's your win for today? Go back through some old content, see what you can repurpose, and now you have a whole new batch of content to put out don't you love us. Awesome. also this, I feel , goes into another one.  of our myths. And so maybe we'll  tackle two things at once.

And one of them is that because we're talking about putting out content to your audience and people feeling that they have to be everywhere, which. is in line with the idea that everybody is your customer. So you should be everywhere. Like literally we all need to clone ourselves and be a little bit of everywhere so that we can sell to everybody so that we can make [00:14:00] all of the money.

So that's one myth. That's not the case guys. So number two is, well, if it works for another company, it should work for me. And I use this example cause I've heard it like 15 bazillion times as well, targeted for everybody. Everybody can walk in target. There's something for everybody in target. So if it works for them, then I can sell to everybody.

I don't have to pick a niche. I don't have to focus on anybody. I don't have to read the data. I'm just going to sell to everybody. And then I'll make all of the big books. That's what's going to happen.

Vanessa: It's so wrong. It's so wrong. It's so wrong. It's Target's not for everybody. We love target. I'm very sad that they're no longer in Canada. They broke my heart with their marketing strategy. That's a whole tangent for another day, but that's [00:15:00] fine. target doesn't target everybody.

If you think about it

a little ironic.

Yeah, it's fine. target goes after really specific audience. They're not going to find the people that go shop at Walmart. They're not going to shop at target. A lot of them a. Can't afford it. And a lot of them v.  Just won't vibe with it. Yup.

target actually goes after more specific customers than say Walmart or some of the other department store kind of one stop shopping kind of places target really goes after that middle class. A person in the upper middle class person, even those people that are the Starbucks drinkers, the Apple product users, fixer upper levers.

Those people have a little bit more income. They have a little bit of a higher standard, probably have more professional job. They have drive a nice car. They're not the people who are really struggling, struggling to make ends meet. And they're not so frugal that they [00:16:00] want to save money continuously.

They still enjoy saving money as well. Who doesn't, but they're not. So cut coupon, clipping driven that they're going to be more inclined to go shop at Walmart. So the lesson in all this is that even when it looks like a company goes after. Like everybody out there, you know, a store that offers more than one thing for sale, it looks like they could, anybody could walk in and find something that they need.

But if you look close enough, you can tell that that's really not the case. And so you can use that information to kind of help you in your business by knowing that you need to get really specific about who your customer is, what their pain points are and how you can actually help solve their problem.

By focusing on that one customer and your problem solver, you'll be able to have no problem growing your business. Whereas if you focus on everybody, it'll feel like you're trying to go [00:17:00] after everyone and everything and chase things. And people won't really know what you do, how you do it and who you serve.

And that is really, really confusing to a customer. And it turns them off really fast because they there's nothing there to be a memorable. Even if your brand is pretty awesome,

Terrica: at

Vanessa: that

Terrica: is exactly what I was thinking in marketing to everyone. Because at that point you become a Jack or a Jill of all trades, at least on the outside, looking in.

It seems as if you offer everything, you do everything, but your business. At that point gets a little lost in a sea of what? Everything, everything that's out there. Nobody thinks, Oh, Hey, I need someone who's amazing marketer and really good at Facebook ads, who do I call? They go to, Joe blow over here a [00:18:00] year or a Susie Q over here.

But they don't think about you because there isn't that specificity there, that that's what you offer. And that's where your zone of genius is. Now I will say the normal ideal client avatar. It's not my jam at all. I don't feel as

Vanessa: It really drives her nuts. People like she's, she's not kidding. It's hilarious.

Terrica: I

don't feel that you need to know that your customer is.

35 to 42 year old woman who lives in New York city or a similar metropolitan area makes between 58,070 $5,000 a year has 2.5 kids, probably a dog kids are in private school. She drinks Starbucks and she really loves Panera. And she shops at [00:19:00] anthropology and gilmore girls is her favorite show, ever all those details while they're great. And they can be connecting points in your community. If your audience has someone to taste or, and you know where they are in pop culture or socially or whatever, that's great, but I don't feel like you need to have any of that.

What you need to have at the core is. What are your ideal customer values? What are these people value? Like you noted, what is the problem that they're having so that you can address in your offers? The, solution to their problems in a way that connects with them in a way that you understand who they are as an individual.

And it's in line with the type of business you want to run. If you want to have an ethically focused business, well, you want people who aren't, you know, shady as fuck. nobody wants to work with those people. So to me, knowing. Who you want to serve [00:20:00] and then crafting your offer so that you can show up in the best way to connect to them is how you can really build a profitable business.

And at that point you're not selling to everyone. You may not sell to us, you know, such a specific. Sector of people that this crazy ideal client avatar that I gave. And I'm sorry, people, if you've created that and it works for you, then kudos, it works for you. I just have a different perspective on it.

Neither one is right or wrong. they're. Accurate to both of our experiences, but going forth to me at the core of everything is people. So. There's an easier way to attack it. so you can work with people in different niches, but at the core of it, they have the same value. So that's the kind of central, focus.

and I think that's what works that you don't market to everyone you can diversify you work with, but still have that core. That is true.

[00:21:00] Vanessa: Absolutely and there's all these exercises that are floating around out there. Some of them are really helpful and you're absolutely right. Like the ideal customer avatar doesn't work for you.

It does work for other people. It does work for some, like some of our clients and some of the people I've worked with. And it can be a really great exercise to go through, to find commonalities. if you're, if you've come to a point where. those values, you've kind of picked a evaluates focus and you know, your values and, you know, the problems that you, people are having new.

You've built an audience around that, and you've got to a point where you're looking, you're like, Holy crap. I need to find like some common threads pulling out that ideal client avatar exercise can be helpful for that. It can be helpful. when you're actually like looking to target somebody with say Facebook ads, because it allows you to think.

In really outside the box ways for how to reach those people, through platforms where. It's really hard to reach people like in Facebook ad land, [00:22:00] you can't, I can't plug in value based, things into, ads manager in hope to heck they, I find the honest, ethical people who, you know, are just there to make a difference in the world.

That's that's not something I can target, but I can target based on some of those other interests. So that's where some of those exercises come in, really helpful. Kind of a, maybe later points in, growing in marketing or business and with really specific strategies. So don't become like super overwhelmed.

If you are hearing about some of these exercises, through courses or through, YouTube videos or wherever you're picking up your information, but just know that some of them are super beneficial for different things. And it's okay if, if one of them or a few of them don't feel like a great fit, find a way to.

Kind of craft a picture of who your customer is that feels good to you and run with it because the most important thing you can do is find a way to market yourself and talk about your business and connect with other people in [00:23:00] a way that feels really natural and just really comfortable and like almost effortless.

because if it feels like a struggle, you're not, you're a, you're not going to do it. And B you're, you're going to feel rehearsed and nobody wants to connect with somebody who feels like a walking, like robot. Kind of delivering their sales page over and over and over again that nobody wants to do that.

Don't do that. Just be yourself, connect with people, connect with those real people and they'll come, they'll come flooding in. They'll find you. They always do.

Terrica: So now that we got a little bit more into the marketing piece, I feel like this is a good transition point, to go into our. Next myth, which is   that you don't need a marketing plan to truly effectively market your business.

And to really craft a business that's profitable because [00:24:00] that's what everybody, at least I hope everyone's in goal is to have a profitable business. You can make money, but if you spend more money than you make, then guys, it's the point.

You barely break even at that point. but the end goal. Is to have a successful business that brings in revenue and is profitable. So with those goals in line, can you do that without having a marketing plan?

Vanessa: Yeah. So that's a great question. and it kind of comes down to this, no matter how fantastic your product is or your services, it won't sell itself.

And the best way to sell something is to make a plan. You need a solid plan. And when we communicate about things that you need to sell, it's called marketing. It's awesome. It's all it is. Marketing is just communication. It's just like finding [00:25:00] a, an Avenue or two or three or however many kind of fit for you that communicates, what it is that you need to sell that product or service marketing.

And a marketing plan is really just like a set of. tools and tactics that you're going to use to win your customers, attract them, win them over. And basically you're defining a way to achieve your sales goals. So a marketing plan is basically an action plan that includes your marketing budget.

And a lot of people are like, Whoa, I'm not big enough to have a marketing budget. That's actually very wrong. So. You have a budget for your household, you know exactly how much you need to spend on, you know, keeping a roof over your head and all those fun things. You ha you need to have a client, a budget, and upon for your business of how you're going to use your finances.

And even if you don't have a big budget, you still need to dedicate a small portion of your budget. It's not a portion of the profits. You're actually bringing in to reinvest back into marketing [00:26:00] yourself so you can attract more people. A lot of people, miss actually having, any sort of marketing budget, they bring money in and they're like, I just need to make money to pay my bills and that's it.

And they take all that money and they put it towards their bills. I forget to pay their taxes. They forget that, they need money for all the, all of these, the tools that they're using and that they actually need money to reinvest back in marketing. don't skip that step. Figure out exactly how much it is that you need to make for yourself, how much you need to spend on the tools that you're using in your business and budget, in a set percentage that you need to make to be able to cover marketing expenses that you can actually invest in ads or some, some promotional mechanism that fits where you're at right now.

Because if you don't do that, you're not going to ever have the budget. And you're going to [00:27:00] feel really, really stuck, really, really fast, best way you can grow your business is to actually invest in your marketing one way or another. because in, in this super noisy world, it's really hard to stand out.

If you don't, it's really, really hard to. put yourself out there in a way that actually hits people where they're at, unless you have like a bajillion friends. and even then it can be really hard for people to stand out and stand up consistently and hit, big, crazy goals that almost, you hear everybody wanting to achieve.

Terrica: Exactly. I think, marketing plans sound so huge in theory. Because many people associate them with a business at a higher level ones that are really detailed and have this whole scope and plan of action. And people are really small and in their head, [00:28:00] they're like, I just need the next client. I'm not thinking about anything marketing I'm on Instagram, but that's it.

So. That's that's my focus and I'm not looking at anything else, but the reality is a marketing plan can be simple. It's in correlation with where you are in business. Of course you wouldn't have a marketing plan or a budget of an eCommerce business. That's done a million dollars in sales that, that just doesn't even.

They're not even on the same plane and that's fine. but you do have to have a plan of attack and it actually reminds me that going to go down memory lane when I was in high school. And I went, I was in a

Vanessa: magnet program in math and science

Terrica: magnet program, and we had a coordinator and she would come in [00:29:00] and check with you midway to see how your grades were doing.

Um, because we had to maintain a B average to be in at other. Otherwise we went on academic probation and then eventually, if you didn't do it, you were dropped from the Academy. But one thing she said, and it was her mantra and I'm pretty, pretty sure you've all heard this somewhere, but if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

So at some point there needs to be a plan of attack, even if it's just that, I'm going to invest in later so that I can schedule all of my Instagram posts. And eventually when I get to. X amount, whatever you it's is down the road. When I launched this product and I finished and I do want to put some money in ads, or I do want to maybe, maybe you're in the wedding industry and you want to advertise.

And one of the publications, that's your that's in your marketing plan. You need to know [00:30:00] how much that's going to cause when you're going to do it, how are you, how you're going to do it. Like it doesn't have to be this huge thing guys, but you do need to have

Vanessa: a plan. Absolutely  within your marketing plan,  at the basics, it includes like a budget, a calendar.

Cause you need, you need to create content. Let's also address that to market yourself. You need to communicate to communicate is create content, content, communication, same thing. so having a calendar, like an editorial calendar where you can. Easily really easily see at a glance and chart out. Okay.

Like how many emails do I need to write for this? What are my emails going to be about? When am I going to send them, am I going to do social media for, marketing this product or service? What, which social media channels am I getting used? How, why, what do I need to create for them? a calendar can help me all of that out in one place.

So that super easy to reference, for all of our, students inside launching made simple. We give them a tool like a [00:31:00] content calendar tool, where they can map out all of their blog posts or videos, all their Facebook lives, other emails, every little piece of content that they need to actually market themselves.

Again, map it out in one spreadsheet and just start working on it and assign themselves deadlines and due dates. And that helps those people stay on track to actually map out every little step that they need to take. To promote their product or service and, and to steer clear of all the shortcuts and hacks that are really shiny and distracting, it helps them to get consistent, stay the course, and it's helped people to grow, in so many different ways.

We have so many different people inside. all of our courses and it's really, really cool to see that the basic strategy it's kind of timeless things like creating a marketing, marketing plan and creating a content plan. That's what helps establish that foundation for your business. That's what helps you to achieve success?

it's not, jumping on the latest [00:32:00] trend and, and trying to hack it and trying to see what works it's investing in. The things that are going to be profitable. Once you invest your time, effort, and energy into it, that it's going to return you something on it. The other end, like when we approach how to market any of our,  services or any of our, our products, we're thinking about.

Okay. If I invest time in promoting this thing, what am I going to get back out of it? will it actually help me to move the needle? It is not going to help me move the needle. I'm not going to do it. If it is something that's going to move the needle a little bit. Okay, awesome. That's another step in the right direction.

That's another step along the journey to get people to where you want them to be. And so that's, that's kind of the way you need to think about your marketing plan. What are the steps that you need to take? To stay consistent to communicate about your product or service and what are the tools that you need to be able to go from point a where you're starting out now to point B and [00:33:00] where you want it, where you want and need to be.

Terrica: So

I feel like since we said, this is going to be a two for one that you brought up some interesting points in that. In the courses and other educational material that we have out there, that it helps people not have to hack their way to a marketing plan or any of that, like a gear, this roadmap to get there.

But when someone's either first starting and they don't really know the lay of the land, And they feel like they have to hack their way to success.

As we wrap up today's episode, we spoken a lot on the need for a marketing plan in your business. And I know many of you were thinking that's easier said than done. So you know what? We're helping you with the done part. And we [00:34:00] are presenting to everybody, our new offer launching make simple. It not only gives you direct access to our brains, but exclusive access to our course library that contains everything we've created and will create on marketing strategy.

Facebook ads, sales, funnels, tech and so much more. You'll also learn in here how to plan your content around your sales, how to plan a strategic launch so that you're not wasting time and just throwing spaghetti against the wall, how to choose the right offer and how you promote that to your audience and the most strategic way possible.

How do you drive traffic to your offer organically and paid all of that? It's going to be. In lodging make simple. And you know what? I know this probably sounds like this is like a thousand dollar course. It's not guys want to make knowledge affordable and we want you to really grow. So we're offering it right now for a [00:35:00] limited time, only $147 for an unlimited access pass.

Yes. You heard it right. $147. So if you're interested. Go to she'sgot vision.com/launchingmadesimple. Well, the link will also be in the show notes and we would love to see you in there. We would love to help grow your business and guys, you know what? I want you to make money. We want you to be fulfilled in your business and we want you to be, be aligned and we're here to help.

So if you're on the fence about this, or if you have any questions, you're welcome to send us an email at hello, and she's got vision.com. Or find us on Instagram at she's got vision. As soon as the DM,

Terrica: Thanks for listening. Y'all you can find the show notes at she's got vision.com/podcast. If you've enjoyed what you've heard today, we love it. If you'd leave a review and subscribe to the podcast and because word of mouth is the best marketing avenue, please tell a friend to share it. If you do, [00:36:00] don't forget to tag us at she's got vision on all platforms until next time y'all we're wishing you much success.

And remember, there's always time for cocktails.