Celebrate & Special Offer for you! 5 Years of Business: Success, Failure, Growth

Build Your Brave Career for Women in Tech

09-08-2024 • 16 mins

Today I am celebrating 5 years of being in business! Listen in for my celebrations, failures, and personal growth since 2019. At the end, I share a very special offer for you!

If you complete the exercise below and share it with me over email by August 23, 2024, I'll reward you with a 10% coupon on the coaching package of your choice to be used by August 30, 2024. Click here to get the details about my coaching offers.

1. what do you celebrate from the last five years in your career? (in other words, what went well?)
2. how did you struggle and fail in the last five years? (in other words, what didn't go well?)
3. how did you grow as a person in the last five years? (in other words, who did you become?)

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