Fabian Bolin - Cancer, SCULP, the excitement and fear of the times we live in,

Meaningful Work Podcast

31-05-2023 • 53 mins

Fabian Bolin is a co-founder of SCULP, a training platform that helps men enhance themselves through coaching, education, and community support. He has a passion for consciousness exploration and men's personal development. After being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing 900 days of chemotherapy, he realized he had not been living authentically but conforming to societal expectations. He embarked on a path of self-acceptance, which led to a journey of personal growth. Fabian also founded War On Cancer, a healthtech company that developed an app for improving mental health for individuals affected by cancer. The app has over 50,000 members across 20 countries and several significant partnerships with national and international healthcare systems. Fabian has delivered over 100 public speaking engagements, appeared on 60 podcasts as a guest, and generated over 200 media articles, bringing mental health to the forefront of clinical attention for cancer patients worldwide. Recently, SCULP launched its inaugural program, the 100-Hour Men's Training, which involves a 60-day online training program for a group of 25 men. Fabian is a trained breathwork guide associated with hale Breathing Center.