Confident Content: What We're Looking At When We Use Psychographics in Marketing (Part 2)

Confident Content with Rachel Klaver

09-05-2024 • 29 mins

What are the common personality traits of your ideal customer? And what values do they hold that make buying from you such a great fit?

This is part two of a series on using Psychographics to determine your ideal audience. We’re going to talk about how to choose the right ones in part three, but today we’re digging deep on what areas you can look like, with real examples you can note down and look at

This episode before this focused on Lifestyle, Hobbies and Interests. Please do listen to that one and this to get the full picture of what you should be looking for.

If you’re a new business, I recommend just working through this list and making a stab in the dark. You can change or adapt it as you go, grow and determine where it’s not sitting right. However for more established businesses, the next episode will go through to find out this information so you’ve got a clear image based on real data as much as possible.

Using the categories we discuss in this podcast can help you determine your content, pulling out commonalities in your ideal customer’s interests and curating content around this. It can help shape your messaging and know how to talk best to your ideal customer

Essentially, we tap into finding common ground which goes far beyond “we’re the same age” or “we live in the same city”

Grab a pen and pencil and take notes as we break down how to determine who your target ideal customer really is

In this episode we cover:

  • The lifestyle factors you can explore to create a clear picture of your ideal audience.
  • The scope and range of hobbies and interests your ideal clients may have
  • Why it’s a good idea to use this on yourself as a small business owner
  • What interests you might be able to dig deep and connect with
  • Why it’s so important to take time to do this

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