Independent Thinking - Exploring a new era for retail and the high street

Verdant Forrest Productions

A podcast exploring a new era for the high street - we discuss how bricks and mortar retail is evolving across the UK, and why the 'death of the high street' is far from inevitable. Join us as we go behind the scenes of inspiring retailers and shops you love, speak to industry experts making their predictions for the future, and hear from those at the heart of it all, sharing stories about how they started, how they continue to evolve and why they believe in their local high street.

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Why we can't give up on our high streets with Andrew Goodacre, CEO of British Independent Retailers Association
Why we can't give up on our high streets with Andrew Goodacre, CEO of British Independent Retailers Association
We’re kicking off this series in discussion with Andrew Goodacre, CEO of British Independent Retailers Association, BIRA - who have been supporting independent retailers for over 120 years. They have an incredible overview of the sector, speaking daily to their indie members about being in business, supporting them to navigate challenges in the industry as well as championing their successes. Who better, then to talk to about the sector, to provide some context, to talk about the many ups and downs of running a independent business in 2023, but to also think about the bigger picture - as we zoom out, and think about how we can weather the storm with hope, optimism and the spirit of collaboration and creativity. Our chat with Andrew is a wide-ranging one, as we talk about putting your money where your mouth is, what indies contribute to our high streets, speaking up about mental health in retail, why countless governments have dragged their heels on business rates and why investing time in our communities makes for successful high streets. If you'd like to become a BIRA member, find out more here: if you're curious about the resources on mental health that we discuss in the show, you'll find out more here: information on the Retail Trust's resources in this area here: the show