Self Limiting Beliefs And What To Do About Them With Steve McDermott

The Peak Performance Productivity Podcast

21-01-2021 • 1 hr 1 min

[WARNING - in the introduction, Michael says the the full title of Steve's new book which does contain profanity]

Self limiting beliefs will definitely get in the way of you developing your productivity.  If you don’t deal with them then they’ll also prevent you from achieving peak performance.  This episode covers what a self limiting belief is, where they come from and what you can do about them.

Hear how award winning international motivational speaker and personal development funny man Steve McDermott has navigated the tricky waters of beliefs for himself and how he helps others do the same too.

About Steve Mcdermott

Steve McDermott is a former Ad Agency Creative director turned motivational speaker who recently celebrated his 26.2 years as a professional speaker by delivering 26.2 live shows lasting 26.2 minutes for 26 consecutive nights before then running a 26.2 mile solo marathon for charity.

An expert in communication, his presentation coaching through his company the Confident Club has been described as the most powerful in the world.

Not surprising from someone who has been voted European Motivational Speaker of the year a staggering 3 times with an impressive client list that reads like the FTSE 100.

His approach, that has been described as half business guru, half stand up comedian regularly receives fantastic reviews.

Although the feedback he is most proud of was from legendary football player and world cup winner Jack Charlton who told him as a boy that he can't pass but he could tackle.

Proud of his Yorkshire roots, he once taught the topic "Yorkshire" in Sheffield, his no nonsense, straight talking and humorous approach to his work runs through every page of the latest edition of his best selling book called "How to Be a Complete and Utter F**k Up - 47 1/2 Steps To Lasting Underachievement"