Learning How To Make The Best Investment

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02-10-2019 • 14 mins

Bernard Reisz is committed to providing unbiased, integrated, expert financial & tax solutions. His focus is the establishment of tax-sheltered accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s, QRPs). Through ReSure Financial, you can get the most cost-efficient, flexible, tax-sheltered investment accounts that give you total control over your money.

If you want unrestricted access to any investment you choose, you can’t pick just any investment company. When it comes to financial decisions, your advisors are ultimately salespeople. Learning a little goes a long way toward making the best decisions for yourself.

In this episode, we’ll talk about formal education and self-initiated learning — and why you need both. Something as simple as reading a book could help you learn about investing. Perhaps even more than Wall Street wants you to know.

Find Bernard at 401kcheckbook.com