6 Figure Masterminds, Marie Forleo, and The Syndicate: The Online Business Family Tree - Part 2

Marketing Muckraking

03-08-2023 • 1 hr 12 mins

Welcome to Part 2 of this four-part series on The Online Business Family Tree, where we trace back how we arrived at this moment in internet marketing and online business and who are the key leaders who brought us here.

In this installment, we’re diving into six figure masterminds, Marie Forleo’s B-School, the Cult of the Syndicate, and how early Internet marketers like Mark Joyner, Dan Kennedy, Yanik Silver, and Russell Brunson brought mind control and manipulation online.

If you don’t know — or care — about these names, never fear. We focus on what tactics these leaders popularized and how they’ve invaded nearly every celebrity online business course, including Matthew McConaughey’s.

Remember, this stuff didn’t start on the Internet — it goes back hundreds of years. To understand marketing history is to understand ourselves and our culture — marketing is the fuel for the engine of capitalism. Let’s take a trip through time, so you can be a more informed consumer and, hopefully, a more ethical marketer.

What you can expect in Part 2 of the Online Business Family Tree:

  • How 6 figure masterminds became a thing (someone please tell me why anyone would pay Amanda Frances $100K to "sit in her energy"?!)
  • The rise of joint venture partnerships and affiliate marketing
  • Why Marie Forleo's B-School is the bee in my bonnet
  • The concerning trend of "business" coaches who are really just teaching the marketing of the self and personal branding through proximity to power
  • How celebrity personal brands manipulate refund rates and quash negative reviews through stick strategies and boilerplate non-disparagement clauses
  • The boy bosses responsible for bringing junk mail into your inbox
  • Where clickbait came from (spoiler alert: Bat Boy!)
  • Why easy "ethical marketing" swaps are just more of the same
  • The nuance of shame-based or pain point marketing (and my unpopular opinion on speaking to pain — it might surprise you!)

About Lisa Robbin Young

Lisa Robbin Young has 30 years of business experience as a coach and creative entrepreneur: she is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, and accomplished musician with multiple albums to her credit. You may even recognize her from the Disney+ show “Encore.” She is also the host of the “Creative Freedom” show — I highly recommend her music video parodies. Check out “There are worse things I could do” for a Marie Forleo crossover with Awkward Marketing. She specializes in helping creative entrepreneurs build a business that works for how you’re wired to work.

See MarketingMuckraking.com for the full transcript and visual guide.