BSS12 – Take A Chance On Me – Risk Management

Blue Sky Stinking

02-05-2019 • 7 mins

Timings 00:00 - SCENE 12.1 - IS IT HOT IN HERE? SCENE 12.2 - AN EERIE CALM Episode script IS IT HOT IN HERE? AN EERIE CALM IS IT HOT IN HERE? JAKOB: I don’t understand why we thought that this email list approach was effective or appropriate. ZELDA: Monty said he had had success in the past with the same approach and I didn’t know the law had changed GARTH: Don’t you lot read the governments feeds? ZELDA: (incredulous) Errr, no! BRYOCK: Some Italian once said that “In football, you win as a group, you lose as a group; you divide the credit and the blame.” (All pause to take that concept in) ZELDA: Look! I told Michaela to do the email list on the basis that Monty had experienced previous success with that approach.  I have to take the blame. BRYOCK: Ah, I prefer that approach… “A good leader takes a little more than their share of the blame, a little less than their share of the credit.” ZELDA:  Thanks Bryock, but don’t push it! JAKOB: We need to become more risk