It’s Not a Ladder, It’s a Jungle Gym with President of euNetworks, Stephanie Lynch-Habib #68

The Company Doctor

26-03-2024 • 25 mins

The job ladder is a simple way of thinking about any career. It’s also dead wrong.

In Stephanie Lynch-Habib’s bright mind, the career path should be more akin to a jungle gym, and the art of navigating it is the key to riding the waves of your life and career.

euNetworks’ President joins us for this week’s Company Doctor Podcast, as we learn how to tackle the relentless rollercoaster of your entrepreneurial journey.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Be kind to yourself and those around you
  • Stay determined and resilient
  • You’re in control of what happens next

Gary Gamp:
George Clode:
Stephanie Lynch-Habib:

Links & references:
Gary Gamp:
George Clode: