Remember when sponsorship just meant logos on shirts, delivering pure brand awareness? It's a much more sophisticated, innovative and versatile field now. Digital channels, analytics and measurable return on investment have entered the arena.
This is the exciting subject of the first Create+Activate podcast from TrunkBBI. In an insight-packed 50 minutes, Adam, Jon and Isaac power through what marketers need to know right now.
When brands use sponsorship creatively to activate their campaigns, they can engage emotions and change behaviours. Its effectiveness is transformed. That's why TrunkBBI's Create+Activate philosophy makes so much sense.
Along the way, you'll also hear:
Why the days of 10+ year deals are over for big sponsorships
How brands now take a more agile approach to campaign performance, with data-driven decisions and real-time user insights
And you'll discover which major sponsorship deal got the person who signed it fired. We're ready to spill the beans, so start watching now.
Jon Butler, CEO TrunkBBI
Adam Britton, MD TrunkBBI
Isaac Kirk, Digital Strategist Trunk BBI