Lifting Our Hearts to Jesus!

Holy Family in the Holy Spirit

Join the Angels and Archangels in Holy Intercession and in an Angel Embrace, with the Holy Intercession of the Holy Family and all of the Saints, as we open the Gospels and listen in the Holy Spirit of God to the Word of the Lord! The Word of God is for everyone and does the work God intended! As we share the Word of the Lord, this is the Highest Word there is! In doing so, it is the Word of God that goes before us, lifts us all, strengthens every heart, nourishes every heart and lifts every heart that hears and acts on the Word of the Lord! God Loves as we share His Word with all we meet! As we share the Gospels, it is the Lord, who came for all people, and Loves us all, who is with us, will never leave us and is always calling us to the Heavenly Banquet! Each Podcast includes a very loving invitation to the Heavenly Banquet, for the Lord is Lord of all! The Lord is calling all to Him to receive Him in the Eucharistic Celebration that can only be found in every Catholic Mass. He is calling all to Baptism and to receive the Sacraments that are offered as a Grace of the Lord! And as always, the Lord welcomes all to come to the Water, as we ask for the Living Water, that is also a Grace, and invite all to Catholic Mass. For it is the Lord who is calling all to Him! Opening the Gospels is always recommended, and as we act on the Word of the Lord, it is the Lord that welcomes all to Mass! Praise be to God in the Highest!
"We will Sing" -Music generously provided by "The Wonders of His Love" copyright A Catholic Musical by David Burke - with love to David Burke and the lovely cast of "The Wonders of His Love" for their loving permission read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Episode 8 - Matthew:2 13-15 "Out of Egypt I Called My Son"
Episode 8 - Matthew:2 13-15 "Out of Egypt I Called My Son"
“Lift every heart and mind to the Lord! For He is with you, loves you, will never leave you and wants for all to Trust Him in every area of every situation! Lift every area of each situation, family and all around you, into His Sacred Heart! For all are already there!The Lord loves as all come to Him! Come to the Lord! For it is He who is welcoming all to Him!” This I have received in the Holy Spirit for all who read and is given to us in the Holy Spirit , with assistance from the Angels and archangels of the Lord! May the Lord bless all who listen, as we share the Gospels in the Holy Spirit of the Lord, and listen in the Holy Spirit to the Living and Eternal Word of the Lord! Today is all about the Flight from Egypt, as St.Joseph was warned in a dream, Jesus was kept safe and so very loved by His Parents! Mary and Joseph cared for Jesus and as they are praying over us all, it is the Lord who asks us to trust Him. Baptism is a Sacrament where we receive an installment of the Holy Spirit, and just as God led His people from slavery, into the Promises Land, so too we read about how God called His Son, Jesus out of Egypt to save all from the state of the slavery of sin. We receive the Fire of the Holy Spirit, the first installment of the Holy Spirit and this Baptism is for all people! The Glorious Call of the Lord is for all! May all hear the Glorious Call of the Risen, Holy Lord Jesus Christ , whose Glorious Call is always welcoming us to Him! In Jesus’ Name . Amen.
Matthew 2:1-12 "The Visit of the Magi"
Matthew 2:1-12 "The Visit of the Magi"
"Glory to God in the Highest!" This is the Resounding Acclaim of every angel and archangel of the Lord in the Holy Spirit! In today's Lectio Divina, we listen to the Holy Spirit, the Interpreter of the Living Word of the Lord, who nourishes every heart, strengthens every heart and lifts every heart as we all hear and act on the Word of the Lord! Sharing the Living Word of the Lord is what the Lord is asking all to do, and to trust in His Son, who will never leave us, is always welcoming all to Him, and invites all to receive Him more fully in the Sacraments, in Holy Communion, and invites al to His Heavenly Banquet that can only be found in the Catholic Mass, the Eucharistic Celebration! To receive the Holy Sacraments in the Catholic Mass, call your local Catholic Church to inquire how all in the family can receive the Holy Eucharist. For as it is written, "“Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins." in Matthew 26:26-28 and in all Synoptic Gospels, Jesus is with all, came for all, and is welcoming all to receive Him in His Heavenly Banquet of the LORD. This I received in the Holy Spirit, for all, with the assistance of the Holy Angeles of the Lord in the Holy Spirit. May God bless all who read and listen! May God bless all families of the Lord, which is your family and mine, in His Holy and Mighty Presence, the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Luke1 46-55 The Magnificat-The Canticle of Mary-Glorifying God!
Luke1 46-55 The Magnificat-The Canticle of Mary-Glorifying God!
Let's all lift our hearts to the Lord as we all listen in the Holy Spirit! Lifting our hearts to Jesus is what the Lord LOVES and welcomes us all to do- for all belong to the Lord! In Luke 1: 46-55, The Canticle of Mary glorifies God in the Holy Spirit as Mother Mary rejoices in her soul in the Goodness of the Lord! What rejoicing there is in Heaven! As we all rejoice in the Lord's Goodness, all in Heaven rejoice with us! As we invite the Holy Intercession of the Holy Family, the Holy Intercession of the Saints and all Nine Choirs of Angels, led by St. Michael, we all praise the Lord with Mother Mary as we all Praise His Holy and Perfect Name of Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord in the Highest! This Lectio Divina Podcast is for everyone and as we listen to the Holy Spirit, it is the Lord who welcomes us all to Him, to open the Gospels, to share the Gospels with all we meet; and to come to Mass, as all are called to turn to Jesus fully! For as we do turn to the Lord fully, it is He who welcomes us to Him in His Eternal and Loving Presence! A Podcast for all! May God bless all families of the Lord! This RSS link has changed! For all new episodes, you can find the new RSS link to "Lifting Our Hearts to Jesus! Podcast" wherever you listen to Podcasts. You are invited to listen to new episodes (going forward!) on the new RSS link of "Listening Our Hearts to Jesus! Podcast" Thank you and May God bless all in the Lord!