Matthew 1:18-25 - They Shall Name Him Emmanuel

Lifting Our Hearts to Jesus!

18-07-2021 • 18 mins

Lifting our hearts to Jesus in an Angel Embrace, while we listen to the Holy Spirit to the Gospels! Praise God! As we study the Gospels, today, we hear the Gospel of Matthew 1:18-25. As St. Joseph says "Yes!" to God, after God sent the Angel of the Lord to St. Joseph in a dream, letting him know not to be afraid to take mother Mary into his home. The Angel of the Lord continued to say that it was through the Holy Spirit that Mother Mary was with child, which was spoken through the prophet Isaiah, "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him
Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us." Which is a Divine message for all of us! St. Joseph's compassion for Mother Mary, and his "Yes!"to the Lord, is how we can all choose to follow in his example for our own families. Mother Mary and St. Joseph were chosen by the Lord to be the parents of Jesus, as Jesus came into the world for all families- for all in the world. "For God so loved the world the He gave His only Son, that whoever might believe in Him, might not perish, but might have eternal life." A special podcast in an Angel Embrace, and in Holy Intercession of the Holy Family, the Saints and St. Michael and all nine choirs of angels and the archangels of the Lord in the Holy Presence of God!