4 Fixatives for Histology and Cytometry: Perfect Your Preservation

Mentors at Your Benchside

25-06-2024 • 6 mins

#108 — What should you use to fix your cells? Alcohols or aldehydes? Gluteraldehyde or formaldehyde? And how long will your cells stay fixed?

This episode explains the four main fixatives for histology and cytometry and when to use them. It also provides some practical tips to ensure your fixation works and explains the benefits of combining fixatives.

Check out the corresponding article for links to related resources. [1] To learn more about autofluorescence and the controls you need to check for it, read this article. [2]

1. 4 Fixatives for Histology and Cytometry. Perfect Your Preservation. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/22141/fixation-and-flow-cytometry/
2. 5 Controls for Immunofluorescence: A Beginner’s Guide. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/44370/controls-for-immunofluorescence-a-beginners-guide/

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