Funding Opportunities and the Flow of Money in Science

Mentors at Your Benchside

30-04-2024 • 9 mins

#104 — What funding stream is right for you? Industry or government? Non-profits or crowdfunding? It depends on what you're researching, but also where you want to take your career.

In this episode, Joel Berry, Founder, and Chief Scientist at Astound Research, breaks down the different funding streams and flow of money in bioscience research. Discover the scope and requirements of each type of funding source, and get a breakdown of the overall funding landscape so you can pick the funding stream that works best for you.

Check out the corresponding online article for links to more helpful funding resources. [1] Plus, discover how you can advocate for science funding [2] and dive deeper into whether crowdfunding will work for your project. [3]

1. Funding Opportunities and the Flow of Money in Science. Available at:
2. Defend Science Funding! A Brief Guide. Available at:
3. Kick Start Your Research With Crowdfunding! Available at:

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