Personal Advice on How to Respond to Criticism of Your Grant Proposal Reviews

Mentors at Your Benchside

15-10-2024 • 13 mins

#113 — Learning how to respond to criticism is an unavoidable aspect of grant applications. Follow all instructions from funding agencies to avoid immediate rejection.

This episode of Mentors At Your Benchside gives you some simple strategies to ensure you respond to criticism in a constructive and proportionate way.

For example, identifying reviewers can help you tailor your responses, but don't mention them by name! Plus, using a two-column document to systematize the criticisms and responses is a great way to organize feedback and distance yourself emotionally from it.

Hit play for more tips, check out the original article for links to helpful resources [1], and check out our complete guide to funding series for advice on getting your research funded—directly from a former NIH grant reviewer [2].

1. Personal Advice on How to Respond to Criticism of Your Grant Proposal Reviews. Available at:
2. The Complete Guide to Funding I: How to Become an Expert at Getting Funded. Available at:

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