Maxam–Gilbert Sequencing: What It Is and 3 Modern Applications

Mentors at Your Benchside

16-04-2024 • 8 mins

#103 — DNA sequencing is a fundamental technique in modern molecular biology that has revolutionized the study of genes.

In the old days, Maxam–Gilbert sequencing was the method of choice, but it has mostly been replaced by Sanger sequencing and Next-Generation methods.

Yet, it still has some niche uses, and in the historical context of DNA sequencing, it’s hugely important!

So, in this episode, learn about what Maxam–Gilbert sequencing is, why it lost popularity, and why some researchers still use it today.

Check out the corresponding article to see if you can read a Sanger sequencing gel and decipher the final amino acid code. [1] And check out our primer on the Sanger sequencing method to learn why it was so advantageous over the Maxam–Gilbert method. [2]

1. Maxam–Gilbert Sequencing: What It Is and 3 Modern Applications. Available at:
2. Sanger Sequencing: How the Genome Was Won. Available at:

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