What Reagents Can You Use Past Their Chemical Expiry Date?

Mentors at Your Benchside

20-02-2024 • 10 mins

#98 — Our labs can contain thousands of chemicals, many of which will be past their given expiry date and many of which are expensive to buy and replace.

Replacing them when you don't need to can be a waste of time and grant money. On the other hand, using expired chemicals can lead to failed experiments and confusing results.

In this episode of Mentors At Your Benchside, learn what types of chemicals are safe to use past their expiry date, which ones you should probably throw out, and why.

Read out the corresponding article for a handy summary table. [1] And while you're diving into reagents, why not check out the different types of antibiotics in molecular biology? [2]

1. What Reagents Can You Use Past Their Chemical Expiry Date? Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/74311/chemical-expiry-date/
2. Antibiotics Used in Molecular Biology. Available at: https://bitesizebio.com/10288/antibiotics-used-in-molecular-biology/

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