The Practical Mystic Ep0020 - Examine Disposable Products (Step 6) -(Janine Bolon)

The Practical Mystic Show - with Janine Bolon

22-01-2021 • 14 mins

here are times you will have to change your buying habits in order  to get the best value for your money. I had one client, Linda, tell me  that she was having difficulty figuring out where she could cut corners  in her expenses. After two months of tracking, she came to my office and  we worked through her monthly expense sheet. I asked her about her  paper towel use. Linda would only buy one particular brand and she knew  exactly how many rolls she went through a week. I showed her that she  was spending $520 a year on paper towels alone. It looked like this:

4 rolls per week @ $2.50 each = $10 a week x 52 weeks a year = $520 annually.

Don't  let commercials fool you. Disposable products are not that convenient  to make me give up on financial independence by throwing my money away!

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