Big data for marketers: Why, how, and where to start

The Marketing Intelligence Show

04-01-2024 • 27 mins

By now, most marketers understand the importance of big data in marketing. It allows us to target audiences better, show relevant ads, and analyze marketing materials, but many marketers don’t know where to start.

In this episode from our SuperSummit virtual event, Khrystyna Grynko, Cloud Customer Engineer at Google, takes you through all the steps to start utilizing big data as a marketer. She explores how to define your use cases and choose the right tools to unlock the power of your data within your marketing team.

For more, catch up on the full SuperSummit sessions.

Learning points from the episode include:

  • 00:00 – 02:15 Introduction
  • 02:15 – 03:59 The myth of the non-technical marketer
  • 04:00 – 06:18 Why big data is important
  • 06:18 – 08:37 How to choose data tools
  • 08:37 – 10:25 The difference between data lakes, data warehouses, and data lake houses
  • 10:25 – 11:57 How to explore data with visualization tools
  • 11:57 – 14:03 How to feed BI tools with data
  • 11:03 -14:39 Connecting BI tools to data warehouses and ML tools
  • 14:40 – 15:23 Distributing your data
  • 15:23 – 16:22 Decide on your use cases
  • 16:22 – 17:55 How to list data sources
  • 17:55 – 19:40 Why you need to decide on the reports you need to choose the right tools
  • 19:40 – 22:09 Where to learn more
  • 22:09 – 27:20 Q&As

Important links and mentions:

Khrystyna Grynko / Google