Owen Video: The Formula to Grow Your Brand And Sales With YouTube

Martech Zone Interviews

08-02-2021 • 34 mins

In this Martech Zone Interview, we speak to Owen Video, who operates The Video Marketing School - the #1 YouTube Coaching Program for Business Leaders. Owen shares how he became a leading coach within the industry and how businesses can leverage video to grow their brand and drive sales with video. Owen shares how he's developed his own popularity on YouTube and how he assists his clients... beginning with a simple formula for great video execution with the acronym GREAT. * Grab their attention * Relate to the viewer * Explain your solution * Actual proof * Tell them what to do next Owen shares how businesses can make a minimal investment in building out a studio, a backdrop, and affordable hardware to help them create a video creation station. Then Owen walks through the content, delivery, and optimization strategy that businesses need to take a great video and make it work within online channels. He simplifies the process by teaching businesses the 4 disciplines of producing a successful YouTube channel: 1. Programming 2. Production 3. Promotion 4. Progress. Owen provides you the information you need to produce the highest quality, easiest videos that drive the greatest return on investment through growth to your channel... to drive sales to your business. Be sure to follow Owen Video on YouTube and check out all the free resources his site has to offer. If you're serious about being successful with video - sign up for The Video Marketing School (https://thevideomarketingschool.com/). Special Guest: Owen Video.