MLA Lisa Naylor - Ellected Ep. 40

Ellected by Madame Premier

15-09-2022 • 1 hr

Episode 40 of Ellected features Lisa Naylor, Manitoba NDP MLA for the downtown Winnipeg riding of Wolseley.

More about Lisa Naylor:

Lisa has represented the people of Wolseley as the Winnipeg School Division (WSD) Ward 4 Trustee since 2014, serving as vice-chair and chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee and on the Executive of the Manitoba School Boards Association.

Lisa is known for being accessible and accountable to her community and as a tireless defender of comprehensive public school funding.

Lisa is a feminist activist who has worked in front-line social services and community health organizations for thirty years. She started her career as a street outreach worker in Toronto and worked as a counsellor with sexually exploited youth before moving to Winnipeg to work as a counsellor and health educator at Women’s Health Clinic. Lisa has also been an active volunteer in the community and has served as a director on the board of the University of Winnipeg Student Association Day Care and Klinic Community Health Centre.

Lisa is a passionate advocate who has made countless contributions to policy and public awareness on issues that impact youth mental health and well-being. Lisa has long been an activist for reproductive health, LGBTQ2S* rights, and other social justice issues. As a trustee, Lisa introduced WSD's groundbreaking policy for the protection and inclusion of trans, queer, Two-Spirit, and non-binary students and staff.

Lisa is committed to a just and equitable society where everyone is treated with compassion and has access to opportunities. Her advocacy efforts and political service are a natural extension of her mental health work. She knows that addressing poverty, colonialism, racism, and other inequities is the path to a healthy, thriving community. Well-being for all includes addressing the climate crisis with the urgency it demands to find sustainable solutions that develop green technologies and green jobs.

Lisa has lived with her family in Wolseley for twenty years.

More about Sarah Elder-Chamanara:

Sarah Elder-Chamanara is the founder, creative director, designer and owner of Madame Premier, a feminist, political and activist clothing company and community based in Calgary, Alberta. With the underlying principle of seeing more women and diversity in politics, elected and in backrooms, at every level, Sarah and Madame Premier create opportunities for conversations about how politics works, why it needs to change, who it needs to change for and how the time for that is now.