Male Fertility Tests & Disrupting the Pregnancy Test Market with Ovry Co-Founder Jackie Rhind - Ep. 75

Ellected by Madame Premier

6d ago • 41 mins

Did you know that approximately half of all infertility is male infertility? I had no idea until this conversation with Ovry co-founder Jackie Rhind of Revelstoke, British Columbia.

Rhind is disrupting the sedate baby-on-the-box pregnancy test market in drug and grocery stores across Canada with the most sustainable pregnancy tests on the market not just for women who want to get a positive result but also for women who want a negative result.

Rhind is frank, passionate and committed to her vision and you will likely be just as enthralled with her as me.

More about Jackie Rhind:

Jackie Rhind is an ambitious entrepreneur looking to redefine reproductive health products in Canada. In 2020, Rhind launched Ovry with hopes of offering Canadians a better alternative to traditional pregnancy tests. Ovry is a brand of pregnancy and ovulation test strips that are just as accurate as leading brands, are tiny, discreet, much more affordable and use 90% less single-use plastic. In addition to winning Small Business BC’s Best Youth Entrepreneur award in 2023, Jackie was also recently featured on CBC’s popular TV show Dragons’ Den. Jackie is passionate about building a business that simplifies the lived experience of women and people with ovaries.

Watch Ovry on Dragons Den.

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