Are you ready to take your YouTube game to the next level?

This episode of the YouTube Success Podcast explores the Pro Gear Guide, a comprehensive resource available at, where I shared insights on cameras, lighting, and other essential elements for creating a professional setup. This is aimed to guide you in making strategic investments to enhance your video production.


  • Cameras: Discussing the transition from mobile phones to dedicated cameras.
  • Microphones: Covering various microphone options, and discussing the importance of quality audio in video production.
  • Lighting: Exploring the benefits of Key Light Airs and Key Lights for optimal lighting conditions, with a focus on the flexibility and control they offer.
  • Accessories: Touching on the Stream Deck's automation capabilities and the significance of stabilisation through reliable tripods.
  • Capture Cards: Discussing the role of capture cards in achieving seamless connectivity between cameras and computers.
