Get What You Want - It's Your Choice

Women Who Soar

10-07-2023 • 13 mins

How many times have you said "no one likes their job so it's an area of my life I'll just have to settle because everyone else does"

We've all been there. We say it to the extent of telling ourselves we don't have a choice but to stay. Jobs, by definition give us security. Financial security so we can be self sufficient. This might surprise you but your job  doesn't require you to be miserable. Where did we pick up the idea that it's okay for our jobs to cause misery?

One situation, years ago, I was sitting in my therapist's office trying to figure out why I continuously had panic attacks and couldn't connect the dots as to why. It was because of my job. My therapist looked at me and said , "You have it ALL. This is just what you have to accept being in the role you're in. "

I stayed for another three years.

Listen to me right now ladies! YOU HAVE OPTIONS. You have a choice. That job that you're miserable in...YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAY. In this episode I tell you why.