"Who do I want to become?"
Alex has just joined the team, while Cassie is about to move on. For both of them, it's a moment to think about where their heads are at and where they'd like to go. Darius leads Alex through an exploration of her music career, talking about the effort of thinking things through, what she ultimately wants to achieve and why, and some steps to move forward. Then Cassie reflects on her six month work placement at People and Their Brilliance, what she learned about her work and herself, and what that means going forwards. For you listening, see if you can emulate this practice of reflection. How clear are you on what you are working towards? What does success look like to you? What have you already got that will help you get there?
Show Notes:
- This is episode two of What’s Your Work? We recorded a follow up with episode one’s guests, but the recording was too low quality for release - that’s why Darius refers to this as episode three. Interested in hearing more about episode one’s guests? Let us know and we can look at recording a follow up!
- The topic of purpose speaks to the very heart of this podcast, in that it forces us to confront the question of “Who am I becoming?” One technique for taking ownership of your future is to create a vision - we wrote a blog about this which you can read here.
- The course on connections is called Build A Better Network. It was created by Ollie Barrett OBE and you can enroll here.
- Alex worked as a Recruitment Administrator for People and Their Brilliance and is now continuing to work part time in recruitment whilst pursuing her career in music. You can connect with her on LinkedIn @Alexandra Purpura.
- Cassie previously worked as a Digital Marketing Specialist for People and their Brilliance, she now works as a Marketing Assistant at the University of Brighton. You can connect with her on LinkedIn @Cassandra Galbraith.
- We want to hear from you! Write into the show by visiting our website: https://whatsyour.work/
- Audio mix and edit by Hula & Co. Music.
You can read a transcript of this episode here.