#22. Mental Health - Ryan Casey

What’s Your Work?

25-08-2022 • 57 mins

“You know, it’s never going to get solved if you don’t bring it up. So just talk…”

Mental health at work: are we talking about it? Kickstart graduate Ryan Casey joins the podcast to talk about his experience opening up on male mental health, speaking out and being the change you want to see in the world. He also talks about his time training with Darius through the Kickstart Scheme, which lifted him out of long-term unemployment and into his current career, as well as dealing with imposter syndrome and launching his own podcast. The future is bright with people like Ryan in our workplaces - spend an hour with him here.

Show Notes:

  • Ryan Casey is a graduate of the UK Kickstart Scheme and is currently working as Communications and Projects Assistant for A New Normal Ltd. He also co-hosts the Diversity on Screen podcast which can be found on Spotify. You can connect with him on LinkedIn @ Ryan Casey.
  • The blog post that Ryan wrote which we discuss in the episode can be read here: https://www.anewnormal.co/post/stigma-surrounding-men-s-mental-health.
  • Interested in hearing from young people on the Kickstart Scheme? We employed our whole team through the scheme last year, and featured them in several episodes of the podcast. Here’s one to get you started.
  • If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, there are many resources that can help, including this one from MIND: https://www.mind.org.uk/need-urgent-help/using-this-tool/
  • Audio mix by Hula & Co. Music.

A transcript of this podcast is available to read here.